Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Birthing People's Day all you Mothers out there

The left is ridiculous and stupid, but in spite of that, we allow them to get away with the bastardization of language as it suits their political ambitions. 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) along with the White House, issued a Mother's Day message Sunday. And while President Biden refused to use the word God at the National Prayer Breakfast, a word that he throws around as often as he forgets his lines, he did use the word "mother," instead of "birthing people." And Pelosi used "mother" too, as the empty heads of progressives exploded.

"Our mothers are our Guardian Angels, and we carry them always in our hearts, whether or not we are blessed to have them with us," Pelosi, (D-CA), wrote on Sunday. "Happy Mother's Day to you and your family."

"Moms have always built, shaped, led, and sustained this country — and we’re committed to fighting for the safe and equitable workplaces, affordable health care, child care, and equal pay that every mom deserves. Happy Mother's Day," the White House wrote on Twitter.

However, Rep. Cori Bush, (D-MO), and pro-abortion group NARAL have emphasized the term "birthing people" in recent days because they are freaking morons. Bush is a proud BLM member and that means she's a Marxist.

"Every day, Black birthing people and our babies die because our doctors don’t believe our pain. [What a preposterous statement. Doctors do not withhold care to non-white babies and you cannot show any proof of that dangerous lie.] My children almost became a statistic. I almost became a statistic. I testified about my experience @OversightDems today. Hear us. Believe us. Because for so long, nobody has," Bush wrote on Twitter on Thursday.

Every day, Black birthing people [read: "mothers"] kill tens of thousands of Black babies by abortion. That is the greatest threat to Black babies and their mothers, not doctors.] Spare you bull crap for naive college students who believe your nonsense because they don't know better. 

"When we talk about birthing people, we're being inclusive. ..."

Rubbish: you are being exclusive; you are excluding the uniqueness of motherhood. Only people with a uterus can birth a child, and only women have uteruses. The other people are women who call themselves men.


And Happy Mother's Day to you, Mom, in heaven.

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  1. Well said Rob. You could say that a certain portion of the left- left their brain at home.

    1. I posted below your post by mistake--should have replied to you directly, Andrew. Peace out, brother

  2. the left is using Orwellian "newspeak" tactics and the right is too soft. Example: when talking about transgender "women" in sporting event against women the right calls the transgender people "biological men." No, they're simply "men." That, by definition makes them men biologically. By using their terms the right lets the goal posts move further to the left.


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