Monday, May 17, 2021

Comrade Bernie Sanders says US should not provide aid to Israel and their Iron Dome thingamajig

Sen. Comrade Bernard Sanders (I-VT) hates Israel. Sure he claims to be a Jew, but he's only a Jew when it's convenient for him and a secular commie otherwise.

Sanders called for a "hard look" at the military aid the U.S. gives to our ally, Israel, and would like it to go to himself, if possible, or for the Green New Deal if he's forced to compromise.

The several billions we sent Israel funds their Iron Dome system that protects Israeli citizens from Hamasshole rockets they shoot at civilian populations, and in effect, it also protects Palestinians since the damage the Iranian-funded rockets due is minimized by the Iron Dome. Had it not existed, Israel would be forced to substantially increase return fire and more Palestinian citizens would be killed. 

But Bernie is a moron. 

"The devastation in Gaza is unconscionable," he said in his Brooklyn accent. "We must urge an immediate ceasefire. The killing of Palestinians and Israelis must end," speaking as if Israel doesn't have the right to defend itself after Hamas launched over a thousand rockets initially, and by now, around 3,000 at non-military Israelis.

From a guy who never created a job, never held a job not paid for by U.S. taxpayers, he said, "We must also take a hard look at nearly $4 billion a year in military aid to Israel. It is illegal to support human rights violations."

Of course he is totally wrong and an immoral ass to say such a thing. Israel, more than any other country on Earth, bends over backwards to minimize non-terrorist casualties. When Israel leveled the Hamas Intelligence building that also housed the AP and Al Jazeera, they warned the tenants prior to destroying it and there were zero  casualties. 

Hamas gives no warning when they fire rockets at schools and other civilian areas. They say it clearly in their charter that they desire the total annihilation of the Jewish State and the Jews worldwide. 

Again, it's in their charter.

For idiots like the useless Bernie Sanders and his openly anti-Semitic cohorts of the Squad, there is nothing Israel can do that would satisfy them other than not defending themselves and having a second coming of the Holocaust.

They call Israel the apartheid state when 20 percent of Israelis are Arabs. On the other hand, zero percent of Palestine [which is not and never has been a country] is Jewish. 

The U.S. military aid to Israel includes funding for its Iron Dome defense system, which intercepts short-range rockets and artillery shells.

Sanders, who twice ran for president as the Democratic candidate, but is more in line with Russian-style Communism, has been a critic of Israel, but if he tried to live in Gaza or any Islamic nation, he would be killed him on the spot.

The latest outbreak of jihad began in east Jerusalem last month, when Palestinians clashed with police in response to Israeli police tactics that came from a legal eviction of Palestinian families who had been living in Israeli-own apartment for decades, rent-free. The way the left would have us believe is that Palestinians were being ethnically cleansed. 

That isn't how Israel operates. In fact, Israel is the only nation in the Middle East where all religions may practice and worship--just try worshiping as a Christian, Jew, or any non-Islamic religion and see what happens.

Bernie Sanders is not an expert on anything other than complaining about people wealthier than he is and Marxism. Unfortunately, he neglects to see the 100 million people murdered by the Communists since its inception.

Communism, like Bernie Sanders, doesn't work.

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