Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Kristi Noem flip-flops then flips again on bill banning transgender "women" from competing with women-women

Noem tells Carlson why she would not sign the bill
Photo: Screen grab

Gov. Kristi Noem (R) appeared to be a rising star in the Republican Party--so much so, many thought she would be good presidential or vice presidential material in 2024. 

Until she wasn't.

We want a president with a belief system based on knowledge, wisdom and intellect, not a president who makes decisions based on corporate bullying or political expediency. 

This is precisely what Noem has done when she said that she would not vote in favor of supporting a bill banning biological men who have gender dysphoria, from competing against biological women in sports events. After appearing on "Tucker Carlson Tonight," on Fox News Network she attempted to defend her position but it seemed obvious that the NCAA was pressuring her to allow transgender "women" to compete in college athletic events against actual women. [I don't want to bow to the LGBTQ+1/x-2 dictators and I therefore refuse the term "biological women." Sex is binary so a woman is a woman, a man is a man. But "a man a plan a canal panama" is a palindrome.]

"Unfortunately, as I have studied this legislation and conferred with legal experts over the past several days, I have become concerned that this bill’s vague and overly broad language could have significant unintended consequences," Noem wrote at the time when she refused to sign the bill.

But now that the bill is dead, she has decided to sign an executive order after it was clear that the GOP voters had a new view of her squishiness and they didn't like it.

“Only girls should play girls’ sports,” the South Dakota governor now tweeted on Monday. “Given the legislature’s failure to accept my proposed revisions to HB 1217, I am immediately signing two executive orders to address this issue: one to protect fairness in K-12 athletics, and another to do so in college athletics,” she added as an attempted save, as this writer sees it.

There should have been absolutely no hesitancy to sign the bill when it was first presented. 

The executive orders direct the state’s Department of Education and Board of Regents to align its policies so only those who are biologically female can participate in women’s sports. 

Why should that even be controversial?

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