Thursday, November 19, 2020

Michigan state lawmakers call for a Whitmer impeachment hearing

The Michigan state lawmakers are calling for the impeachment hearings against Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Her office responded by ridiculing Republicans for not wearing masks that have recently been shown to be useless against contracting the coronavirus.

The Michigan state lawmakers are calling for Whitmer to be impeached for ignoring court orders that struck down coronavirus restrictions she demanded. The irony is that her husband attempted to use his status as Whitmer's emasculated husband to put his boat in the water while others were denied this luxury.

Republican state Rep. Matt Maddock [aka Mad Matt] along with several of his colleagues announced they are seeking to hold "impeachment hearings for Governor Whitmer" in the state House of Representatives, WXYZ-TV reports.

The social media post lists several reasons why the Republicans contend that Frau Whitmer should be impeached. The most obvious is the ignoring the court orders and due process and the legislature. They also point out that Whitmer was "using our kids as political pawns and denied special needs students who depend on the services that occur during in-person classes."

The Michigan Constitution provides the power of the state House of Representatives to impeach "civil officers for corrupt conduct in office or for crimes or misdemeanors."

In an attempt to toss the blame back on the GOP, Whitmer's office claim the governor "doesn't have any time for partisan politics or people who don't wear masks." In spite of the fact that the claims by the GOP have nothing to do with that but have everything to do with her blatant disregard for the law.

The statement made by Tiffany Brown, Whitmer's press secretary, claims:
"Governor Whitmer doesn't have any time for partisan politics or people who don't wear masks, don't believe in science, and don't have a plan to fight this virus. Right now, she is focused on saving lives. The governor will continue to work hard for all 10 million Michiganders. This is about Michigan vs. COVID-19. Governor Whitmer doesn't care if you're a Trump Republican or a Biden Democrat. We are all in this together,"
Actually, Whitmer cares a great deal if you are a Trump Republican or a Biden Democrat. In fact, that's all she cares about, but she still said, "Part of the problem throughout this pandemic has been that there's been so much partisanship around this public health crisis. Unfortunately, while we've done a lot of outreach with the Michigan legislature, Republican leaders have shown very little seriousness around this issue."

Yes, the partisanship came from the "Orange Man bad" mentality. The left went against everything Trump said, no matter what, and went after him for not wearing a mask when making speeches. 

Whitmer criticized Republicans for refusing to wear masks and said "they don't even know how to protect themselves." 

Recent Danish studies  have found that masks do not protect the wearer but may protect others from the wearer's droplets. However, there is the additional problem whereby most people do not know how to properly use a face mask. In fact, medical students have an entire class dedicated to its proper use. So masks are often rendered totally ineffective and Gov. Whitmer is wrong. 

The governor on Monday claimed she has the authority to issue a second stay-at-home order in response to surging coronavirus cases that have led to an increase of hospitalizations and deaths in the state. She also believes she has the authority to wage war and to make Michigan a country within a country.

New coronavirus restrictions will be put into effect Wednesday in her state. High schools and colleges must stop offering in-person classes, restaurants must end indoor dining, and entertainment businesses such as movie theaters, bowling alleys, and casinos must close for three weeks. Married couples may soon be forced to wear masks at home, including when they go to bed, go to the toilet and to throw out the garbage. Social distancing will be extended to 100 feet. 

Just kidding--she's an idiot. 

The Michigan Supreme Court previously ruled that the idiot's first coronavirus-related executive orders were "an unlawful delegation of legislative power to the executive branch in violation of the Michigan Constitution." The new restrictions came from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, not from the governor's office directly, potentially bypassing the court's order in a weasel move.

After the court ruled in October, Whitmer said she would use "alternative sources of authority" to implement coronavirus restrictions that "were not at issue" in the court's decision. She may need to call in the Michigan National Guard and force her will upon the residents of the state.

Unless they impeach her and kick her autocratic butt out of office.

C'mon, man, gimme a break. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear. C'mon.

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