Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Pope goes "all boycott" over companies that aren't woke

Woke Pope Francis, the Vicar of Jesus Christ, has gone all-out political Saturday as he urged his flock to boycott companies by not investing in them if they are not doing what the Pope wants them to do, which is to protect the environment

The Woke Bishop of Rome spoke in a video message for an online event called “Countdown Global Launch, A Call to Action on Climate Change.”

“Science tells us, every day with more precision, that we need to act urgently ... if we are to have any hope of avoiding radical and catastrophic climate change,” the Successor of the Prince of the Apostles said in a foreign language.

The Primate of Italy listed three action points: better education about the environment, sustainable agriculture and access to clean water, and a transition away from fossil fuels. And if companies didn't want to go along with the Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, they can go to hell.

“One way to encourage this change," the Servant of the Servants of God said, "is to lead companies towards the urgent need to commit to the integral care of our common home, excluding from investments companies that do not meet (these) parameters ... and rewarding those that (do).”

The Sovereign of the State of Vatican City said the pandemic had made the need to address the climate crisis and related social problems even more pressing.

“The current economic system is unsustainable. We are faced with a moral imperative ... to rethink many things,” the Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province said, listing means of production, waste, consumerism, indifference to the poor, and harmful energy sources.

Other Marxists and Far Left activists at the online event included the traitor [Hanoi] Jane Fonda, Britain’s Prince William, former U.S. Vice-President and fake documentarian Al Gore, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, none of whom are experts on climate change.

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