Saturday, September 12, 2020

Iran executes famous wrestler despite Trump's and others' appeals

June 25, 2018 file photo: protesters chant slogans
at the main gate of the Old Grand Bazaar, in Tehran, Iran.
The Iranian state media, IRNA, the only source of news to the captives of the terrorist nation, reported on Saturday that the Iranian regime executed Navid Afakri, 27, and a pro-wrestling champion despite global appeals to Tehran, including from President Trump, for the regime to spare his life. [H/T Fox News]

IRNA reported that Afkari was hanged Saturday morning in Adelabad prison in the city of Shiraz.

The young wrestling champion had participated in the mass protests against political repression in Iran last year, and it is believed the theocratic regime wanted to make an example of him because of his high profile in the lovely country where even feminine modesty is rewarded by not getting beaten bloody by the authorities.

Afkari was accused by authorities of stabbing a water supply company employee in the southern city of Shiraz during the protests, but it's likely he was coerced into a confession.

Courts in Shiraz had imposed two death sentences on Afkari, and six years and six months in prison and 74 lashes. One death sentence was imposed by a criminal court and one by a “revolutionary court.” 

Fortunately for him, only one death sentence was carried out.

There were global appeals, including from FIFA, the World Players Association, and dozens of human rights organizations. President Trump joined these calls and some American idiots on the left accused him of appealing for Afkari because he supported the President, which is the nonsensical ravings of a lunatic fringe suffering from TDS.

“Hearing that Iran is looking to execute a great and popular wrestling star, 27-year-old Navid Afkarai, whose sole act was an anti-government demonstration on the streets,” Trump tweeted, as is his wont. “To the leaders of Iran, I would greatly appreciate if you would spare this young man’s life, and not execute him.”

Yes, that would have been nice and the right thing to do, but we're talking about Iran, one of the most vile and treacherous dictatorships on the planet.

In response to Trump’s tweet, Iran had sponsored with a state TV package, including the employee Hassan Torkaman’s parents and footage of Afkari saying he had stabbed the man, while blinking his eyes in Morse Code saying he'd been coerced.

Iranian opposition groups said the execution would only strengthen the resolve of the Iranian people to overthrow the theocratic regime, but that remains to be seen.

“The people of Iran, especially the courageous youth, will not remain silent vis-à-vis the savage execution of this brave son of Shiraz and will rise up in solidarity with the heroic people of Fars Province over his unjust execution,” Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said in a statement, adding that the execution “will only add fuel to the flames of the Iranian people's uprising and will strengthen their determination to overthrow the clerical regime and to establish freedom and democracy.”
Rajavi also called on the useless United Nations, the European Union and other equally useless international organizations to take action against Iran in response to the killing.

“Silence and inaction are tantamount to a green light to, and complicity with, the regime to continue its atrocities,” she said, reminding us how our Western so-called "feminists" say and do nothing about the treatment of their gender in Islamic countries and others where women's rights are on par with their cattle.

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