Monday, September 28, 2020

FBI busts BLM activist for allegedly spending $200K in donations

Tyree Conyers-Page, 32, [aka Sir Maejor Page[ was arrested Friday in Toledo, OH, charged with one count of wire fraud and two counts of money laundering, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Page is an Atlanta-based Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist.

Page allegedly used donation money, that is, money slated to fund the purchase of Molotov cocktail bottles and gasoline, focused laser lights, bats, shields, weapons, fireworks, black clothing, and transportation to protests. Instead, he used it for personal purchases such as tailored suits, guns and security systems.

Page allegedly operated a Facebook page called "Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta," a non-profit organization with a semantically overloaded name. That is, the name Black Lives Matter is designed to mean more than the simple statement. It implies that anyone who refuses to go along with their socialist agenda is a racist. It also implies that if you refuse to fight racism actively, that makes you a racist.

BLM accepted monetary donations under the guise of using the money to fight against racial injustice by labeling everyone who refuses to raise a power fist and chant "Black Lives Matter" a racist and deserves to have the crap beat out of them or worse.

Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta solicited donations on GoFundMe, where the organization was listed as a non-profit. Page assured donors that "none of the funds have been used for personal items," according to the FBI.

According to authorities, a bank account titled "Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta, Inc." was opened in 2018. Page was the only signatory on the account. 

Between April 2018 and May 2020, the bank account's balance never exceeded $5,000, but donations started pouring in following the death of George Floyd in late May. Officials say between June and August of this year, $467,342.18 in donations were transferred to the BLMGA bank account that Page controlled, as reported by WTOL-TV

Fun Fact: the 18 cents was donated by little Tommy Smith, 8, from Sheboygan, WI, who sold his rubber dinosaur to Jimmy Jones from down the block. 

The FBI said Page used a personal debit card linked to the same BLM bank account  to make personal purchases. He shared the wealth with himself and reportedly used the donations to buy food, entertainment, tailored suits, furniture, guns, and a home security system.

Since early August, Page's Instagram and social media videos have featured an increased amount of new clothes, including posts about tailored suits, "nice cufflinks," and "$150 ties."

Now that's socialism at work: everyone shares and the big bucks go right up to the top of the pyramid.

C'mon, man. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

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