Wednesday, September 30, 2020

CNN's Dr. Don Lemon believes Trump was "hopped up" on performance-enhancing drugs at debate

Compromised News Nazis' (CNN) Doctor Donald Lémon, who hosts a progressive entertainment show with frequent guest, CNN"s very own Fredo Cuomo, picked himself off the floor and left his favorite West Village establishment, "Leather Straps and Cowboy Chaps Bar" to watch Tuesday's Presidential Debates featuring President Trump vs. Chris Wallace and some old blithering guy who spent a lot of his time apparently checking his fly.

Dr, Lemon, a self-described expert on drugs that hops you up, said that while watching Trump go up against Wallace and the old guy, he thought that the President was "hopped up" on drugs.

“I felt like I was watching a kid whose doctor had prescribed him too much Adderall,” Dr. Lémon said as he made a comically exaggerated sniffing sound for added effect, while Fredo playfully made farting sounds with his hand in his armpit.

“Yeah,” Fredo added. “You can’t just reach in the medicine cabinet... and hope it works.”

Lėmon then asked, “Am I wrong?”

"No, you're cute. We're both cute and look, I work out. Check out these guns."

"Wow," the expert on hopped up doctor said.

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