Monday, August 10, 2020

Cuomo the nursing home killer, rejects independent investigation into NY deaths

It's great to be in power as a governor of a state. You can basically get away with decisions you've made that killed people and maybe even run for President of the United States in the near future.

Enter Andrew Cuomo, the slightly less dumber Cuomo brother, with testicles bigger than pumpkins.

New York Gov. Cuomo said on Monday that "you'd have to be blind" to believe calls for an investigation into the over 6,200 China virus deaths in New York State nursing homes was "not political."

Bigger than pumpkins.

He believes that his incredibly mindless miscalculation, that elderly folks who contracted the coronavirus, must be returned to the nursing home that had sent them to the hospital before the illness had been resolved, is a political move and not a bonehead move by him.

Now the nasal-talking governor said at a press conference that he  “wouldn’t do an investigation” into the nursing home deaths during the coronavirus pandemic in the state of New York.

Because if he did, he would be exposed for the schmuck that he is.

“I wouldn’t do an investigation whether or not it’s political, everybody can make that decision for themselves,” Cuomo said through his nose. “I think you’d have to be blind to realize it’s not political.”

He went on to honk, “Just look at where it comes from and look at the sources and look at their political affiliations and look at who wrote the letter in Congress and look at what publications raise it and what media outward networks raise it.”

He added: “It’s kind of incredible.”

New York State leads the nation in coronavirus deaths and while folks were dying, the idiot governor was appearing on the Comedy News Network (CNN) with his young, dumber brother, Chris "Fredo" Cuomo, to yuck it up and have a good ole time talking about Andrew's big nose and how he's back on the dating scene.

Fredo Cuomo, by the way, contracted coronavirus and left his home when he was supposed to remain in quarantine. Then a week or so later, the cretin emerged from his basement, pretending to have been there for two weeks, proving once again, that he is the dumber Cuomo bro.

Cuomo has blamed “dirty politics” for the accusations he has faced over his order, which he eventually rescinded on May 10. He said it was a “political conspiracy that the deaths in nursing homes were preventable.”

Cuomo got his license to practice armchair medicine at Yahuppets University and a YouTube video.

Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., who is a leader of a House subcommittee on the COVID crisis, said in a letter to Cuomo last month that “[b]lame-shifting, name-calling and half-baked data manipulations will not make the facts or the questions they raise go away.”

Cuomo spokesman Rich Azzopardi responded, saying: “We’re used to Republicans denying science but now they are screeching about time, space and dates on a calendar to distract from the federal government’s many, many, embarrassing failures. No one is buying it.”

Azz [as his friend calls him] also said that there are 57 genders and anyone who denies that denies the science of the left. He then yelled, "Reclaiming my time!"

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