Friday, July 17, 2020

Biden campaign staffer mocks cops as worse than pigs

People who think they're smart who go online an attack a particular group of people, (first responders in this case) are as arrogant as they are stupid. 

A supervising video producer for the Biden campaign tweeted a snarky meme in June which explained that people shouldn't call police "pigs" because unlike cops, pigs are "highly intelligent and empathetic animals who would never racially profile you."

Her name is Sara Pearl and she apparently dated a lot of pigs in her life.

Pearl also retweeted a comment that while "pigs are sweet, intelligent and compassionate," police officers are "monsters" who "don't deserve to be called pigs."

One has to wonder if either one of these two imbeciles actually even know a police officer on a personal basis, rather than knowing one for being stopped for speeding or burning down a building.

On June 1st, the sweetheart Pearl tweeted simply, "#DefundPolice." Days later, she said Buffalo's police department should be "defunded immediately."

And, after several Dallas police officers were killed in 2016 by a sniper who "wanted to kill white people," Pearl blasted the National Rifle Association for tweeting its condolences in that case but not for prior shootings: "Of course they respond to the officers but not to the previous shootings :("

Pearl did not, however, go after Black Lives Matter for not sending condolences to the families of the black children, one being age one, who were killed in the past week. Nor did she go after Planned Parenthood for killing more black unborn babies in New York City than are born there. Oh wait, that's because she's woke.

Fox News followed this story but the Biden campaign did not respond to their request for comment, nor did Sara Pearl, but she did delete some of her disgusting tweets soon thereafter. 

I suspect she isn't proud of what she believes.

It's no secret that Biden is weak on policing and sounds as if he can easily be manipulated into going after the police if heaven forbid, he gets elected president. 

 The National Association of Police Organizations, a major law enforcement group this week endorsed President Trump's reelection, after having endorsed Barack Obama and Biden in the last two elections.

According to her Twitter account, Pearl started with the Biden campaign on July 1, after working with Comrade Bernie Sanders' campaign. The anti-police tweets were posted in June, just days before she officially was hired. Had she been as smart as the pigs she brags about, she would have deleted the tweets back then.

But pigs aren't new to Pearl's thoughts. She tweeted last July that calling President Trump a pig was an "insult to pigs!!!!" that she will not "tolerate." She doesn't say what she would do about it, but it's easy being tough hiding behind Twitter. 

In December 2018, she tweeted, "All I want in life is a dog and a pig!!!!!!!!" She really has a bovine lust I suspect.

In response to criticism from the Trump campaign, Democratic National Committee communications director Xochitl Hinojosa said on "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that Biden "does not support defunding the police." She failed to mention that as a puppet, it doesn't matter what or who he supports, it's going to be up to the squad in the end.

However, Biden semi-coherently mumbled in a recent interview that some funding should "absolutely be redirected" from police budgets as his politics is in bed with Bernie Sanders.

In June, Biden an expensive fundraiser headlined by John Legend, who has publicly promised that he will try to get Biden to totally defund law enforcement and also get him to adopt other far-left positions that are never involved in getting anyone not at the top of government, rich. Nobody who is rich, including Legend, got rich through socialism. It's only those in control who line their pockets.

It's a good bet that nothing is going to happen to Sara Pearl. She fits right in and the left loves rude, snarky people, as long as they direct their bile to the right.

The only question is, who was it that squealed about her tweets?

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