Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sports writer cheers rioters torching houses until it hit close to home

Someone else's house
On Thursday night, Chris Martin Palmer, a sports writer responded to a photo of a burning building in Minneapolis writing, "Burn that s**t down. Burn it all down."

By 'all,' he meant all but his own home.

Palmer who writes about the NBA, had a different sentiment when the riots began closing in on his own neighborhood and his own home was in danger of being part of the s**t being burned down.

Soon after the burning he cheered on, it was discovered that the building was an affordable housing unit being built for those living in poverty.

“The under-construction affordable housing development that burned in the widespread violence in south Minneapolis late Wednesday and early Thursday was to be a six-story rental building with 189 apartments for low-income renters, including more than three dozen for very low-income tenants,” Star Tribune reported. “Construction began last fall on Midtown Corner, which was expected to be completed and ready for occupancy this year.”

Ian Miles Cheong

Chris Martin Palmer deleted this tweet. Don't let him forget what he said.

As the days wore on and the anarchists expanded, they began to get closer to home for Palmer, quite literally.

He was like yo.

On Friday, the scum wafer tweeted: “Yo! There’s gonna be a rally near my house tomorrow. They never have rallies in rich neighborhoods. I’m scared to go! I don’t want to be around people.”

An actual snowflake.

“Nah, I gotta walk the walk,” Palmer said. “If I do it on Twitter I gotta do it in real life. Wouldn’t miss it for the world. An historical event. I will try to capture plenty images.”

Chris Martin Palmer

· May 30, 2020

Yo! There's gonna be a rally near my house tomorrow. They never have rallies in rich neighborhoods. I'm scared to go! I don't want to be around people.

Chris Martin Palmer

Nah, I gotta walk the walk. If I do it on Twitter I gotta do it in real life. Wouldn’t miss it for the world. An historical event. I will try to capture plenty images.

On Saturday, Palmer got his head out of his nether regions and became much more aggressive in voicing his opposition to the riots, but still trying his best to sound like a guy from the hood.

“I’m as down for the cause as anybody. Any of you clowns thinking you’re gonna loot The Grove or Rodeo Drive. It will not work out well for you,” Palmer wrote. “Trying to loot Rodeo Drive is probably the worst idea in the history of bad ideas. I’m as angry as everyone else. But keep that shit in DTLA.”

Chris Martin Palmer

· May 30, 2020

I suspect that DTLA means "Down Town Los Angeles."

Suddenly it became personal for this foul mouth cretin. He was worried that he was going to be on the receiving end of what he was calling for others to undergo.

“You bring that shit to our neighborhood and I’m gonna have a real problem with it. There’s a lot of people up here who care and are angry. Attacking our neighborhood kills the movement and disgraces George Floyd,” Palmer, trying to sound 'tough ghetto,' whined, later adding, “Are Beverly Hills Cops jerks? Some are. Sure they’ll write you a ticket for having loud exhaust on an exotic car. Or for cruising. But they will protect the community. You should definitely know that before you get any bright ‘protest’ ideas.”

Burn his s**t down. Burn his whole house down.

I guess the s**t is under the other shoe.

Late on Saturday night, Palmer continued, “They just attacked our sister community down the street. It’s a gated community and they tried to climb the gates. They had to beat them back. Then destroyed a Starbucks and are now in front of my building. Get these animals TF out of my neighborhood. Go back to where you live.”

Weird. They were simply angry protesters with a just cause, and the burning and looting was a justified response to the death of George Floyd.

“Welp. They’re gone. Security called the cops and they swarmed,” Palmer concluded. “Some scattered, others were arrested. (You hate to see it.) Tense moments. There’s graffiti everywhere. We live in a beautiful, safe community and have pride. These people had no pride and weren’t protesters.”

Well, no s**t.

Protect me, but the hell with thee? Nice philosophy douche nozzle.

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