Friday, May 29, 2020

Racist Maxine Waters promotes Floyd killing, says police "enjoyed' killing

She is one of the worst people on Capitol Hill, as well as one of the most corrupt, incompetent, and racist. And you will never bump into her at a Mensa meeting.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is a disgrace to our country and she truly should not be a U.S. representative. Her district is one of the most impoverished and criminally dangerous in the United States. In fact, Waters is the best argument in favor of term limits for Congress.

In an interview with TMZ on Thursday, the idiot accused President Trump of "dog-whistling" and thus creating a situation which led a police officer "enjoying" the killing of George Floyd, in Minneapolis. 

This is worse than yelling "fire" in a crowded theater when there isn't a fire. This is the kind of rhetoric that promotes even greater racial tension than the Democrats promote whenever a black person dies at the hands of a white person.

Waters said, “I’m reflecting of all the killings of young black men in particular but of course black woman as well, at the hands of police and at the hands if white supremacists. I’m thinking about the way that the president conducts himself in a way he’s dog-whistling. And I think that they are feeling that they can get away with this kind of treatment.”

She's thinking [which I don't believe] about the way Trump conducts himself, but she gives no factual evidence, no example, just racial accusations.

I will comment in [brackets] on what Waters added below.
I think that the officer who had his name [sic] on his neck enjoyed doing what he was doing. [That might be the psychological event known as mind reading.] 

I believe sometimes some of these officers leave alone, thinking I’m going to get me one today. [What gives her that idea other than the possibility that it is Waters who is racist.] 

And I think this is his one that he got today. And he didn’t care whether or not anybody was photographing him.  [She is correct on this one, apparently.] 

He did what he was doing. The officers who stood there and watched him are just as guilty as he is. [True.]

 I’m glad that all of them were fired. If, in fact, you have subdued a suspect that you’re not in any danger at all because the handcuffs are on him, there’s no reason for the police to do what this police did. [So far, I don't hear any talk about dog whistles.] 

And they don’t even mention in the report that the knee was on the neck of George Floyd. You give them the right they would say to shoot you if you interfere with an arrest. And so it is dangerous, and citizens are doing the best job that they could do by photographing it. They’re photographing. They’re showing what is taking place, and what we’re finding is that the justice system does not work. Because the justice system will find a way to protect those offices in most cases, they will find justifiable homicide. [That's pure nonsense. First of all, statistically speaking, there are fewer white cop shootings of black people than of white people. That's simply a fact. And Waters needs to give concrete examples, as opposed to her bull crap, that the law treats cops with what she describes as impunity.] 

And that’s what we’ve got to deal with. We’ve got to deal with the fact that we’re in America with a justice system that does not work for everybody. [Again, she has no honest evidence that what she's babbling about is anything more than race-baiting agitating. How is anything she says, anything at all, helpful to the situation? How is what she says, healing?]

Maxine Waters is part of the problem, just like bad cops and corrupt politicians like her. It was Waters who encouraged people to harass Trump supporters when they're out in public. It was she who excused past race riots. 

She is a disgusting human being and a true racist.

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