Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Newsom refuses records request on 'murky' $1 billion mask deal with Communist China

Gov. Gavin "Ken Doll" Newsom, the crummy Democrat from California, refuses to allow a public records request from the Los Angeles Times as the paper seeks details on a protective mask deal from a Chinese car manufacturing company. The deal for the masks tips the scales at nearly $1 billion.

Newsom's office has been criticized over lack of transparency into the taxpayer funded contract for weeks and the latest refusal will likely raise even more suspicions. 

The paper reported that his office has insisted that disclosure into the deal with BYD, which stands for Build Your Dreams, could jeopardize the mask delivery and that might upset the Chinese Communists who are Chinese capitalists when it comes to lining their own pockets.

“Publishing the agreement now — before performance under the contract is complete — would introduce substantial and unnecessary risk to the State’s ability to secure necessary supplies,” Ryan Gronsky, an attorney with the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, wrote to the Times. Because it isn't as if Honeywell or 3M could make U.S. made masks here at home.

Newsom appeared on far-left MSNBC's Rachel Maddow show last month and said that Sacramento had signed a deal to purchase 200 million masks monthly, which was considered to be a big win for the state amid the scramble worldwide for protective gear and more locally, for toilet paper.

“As a nation-state, with the capacity to write a check for hundreds of millions, no billions, of dollars [of other people's money], we’re in a position to do something bold and big,” Newsom told reporters the next day.

State Assemblyman Richard Bloom (D), a budget committee member, said last month details of the BYD deal “are very murky.”

The Governor’s Office of Emergency Services told the paper that the contract does not need to be made public, in spite of the fact that it's not his money but the people in his state that he's spending and they have the right to know where it's going.

A statement said that the agency determined that “all responsive records are exempt from disclosure, including exemptions for records reflecting attorney work product, attorney-client privileged information, or other information exempt from disclosure under federal or state law.”

And with that, Newsom symbolically flipped the bird to all of California and to those in the majority who voted for him, they richly deserved it.

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