Friday, May 1, 2020

My Viralosophy on the Chinese Communist Wuhan Wet Market Coronavirus

"Mankind and the cosmos are intimately connected--we are one and the same on a mutual journey through space and time . . . so wash your damn hands." Rob Hoey
The Chinese Communist Wuhan Wet Market Coronavirus has become a global pandemic and even a global damn panic, and all of us have been victim of it in one way or another, some having paid the ultimate price. I mean no disrespect for anyone or any family who has suffered.

That being said, I didn't sleep well last night and a few thoughts running through my sleepy head went viral and I wrote them down before losing them to the smoky haze of awakening.

If a tree falls in the forest and there’s nobody there t hear it, is it safe to go to the forest?

At the Wuhan wet market: Lin Lee batted her eyes at me while a bat batted its wings at Lee.

What is the sound of one hand washing?

Studies show—Little people have a significantly higher risk than the general population of contracting coronavirus from flatulence in elevators.

Studies show that politicians who have contracted coronavirus from their spouses have transmitted the disease to their paramours the following day.

The Art of War With the Chinese Communist Wuhan Coronavirus, by Sun Tan: If the virus is taking its ease, give it no rest.

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