Monday, May 18, 2020

Democrat operative funnels millions from Super PAC to her private firm

They say that you can lead a liberal to water but you can't stop them from peeing in it and ruining it for everyone else.

Tara McGowan, the top liberal operative funneled close to $2.4 million from her super PAC to her private firm. This is not the first time there had been transfers between her entities in her dark money network as new disclosure documents show PACRONYM, a super PAC associated with her nonprofit ACRONYM, spent the money on anti-Trump ads Wednesday night scheduled to run in Pennsylvania, a key swing state. The ads are aimed at discrediting Trump's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The money was sent to a for-profit consulting firm known as Lockwood Strategy Lab, and happens to be part of McGowan's network. What a coincidence.

These new expenditures aren't the first of such that McGowan has funneled between the two groups. The super PAC had sent about $1.5 million to the digital firm for media ads and $400,000 for digital consulting and surveys. The super PAC also transferred one million dollars to the firm during the 2018 election period.

McGowan created ACRONYM after the 2016 election to counter Trump's online strategies. Under its umbrella are PACRONYM, Lockwood Strategy, Courier Newsroom, and technology firm Shadow Inc., which developed the app that failed in spectacular fashion during Iowa's Democratic caucuses. The Nevada Democratic Party abandoned the app following the Iowa debacle and ahead of its own caucuses.

PACRONYM's biggest contributer is none other than George Soros, whose Democracy PAC [an oxymoron if you know Soros] sent $1.75 million to the super PAC. Overall, the super PAC received about $9.6 million from wealthy leftists. Most of the money has gone to Lockwood Strategy for ads, research and consulting.

Nobody knows which group pays McGowan and how much she rakes in. The super PAC reported making no payments to McGowan, and ACRONYM's most recent tax forms only show $16,000 paid to McGowan between the beginning of May 2017 and late April 2018. If McGowan is paid through Lockwood, the amount will probably remain hidden.

With the millions it paid to Lockwood for the anti-Trump campaign, PACRONYM joins a number of other liberal groups spending big on similar efforts in battleground states, in spite of the probability that Trump will win reelection since he's running against a corpse named Biden.

Priorities USA Action, the largest Democratic super PAC backing "Gropey Joe" Biden's candidacy, said it plans to spend more than $150 million on the 2020 elections. But all of the money in the world will not bring back Biden's brain.

Anyway, we might have another leftist secretly lining her pockets with cash. Sound familiar?

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