Friday, April 17, 2020

R.I. teacher offers money for COVID person to cough on POTUS

Amy Bednarz
A Rhode Island teacher of 6th grade children in a public school, with a history of harassing people who support school choice, posted an offer on Twitter to pay someone with COVID-19 to cough on President Trump. And since the President is 73-years-old, that places him in the high-risk category for the coronavirus which can lead to death.

Amy Bednarz teaches 6th grade at Villa Nova Middle School in Woonsocket, Rhode Island.

When the very lovely and talented Ms. Bednarz isn't teaching English as a Second Language, or offering to pay people to kill President Trump with biological terrorism, she can often be found threatening Keri Rodriguez, the president of the National Parents Union.

Bednarz anger and hostility toward Ms. Rodriguez seems to know no bounds. It had gotten to the point that Rodriguez wrote a blog detailing her experiences with the crazy teacher, who had even threatened her children a repeatedly called her on the phone.

Rodriguez wrote: 
"This 'proud teacher' is Amy Bednarz.
She also stalks school choice supporters.
She threatens to directly come to my house.
She went on:
“Amy has even done her research to find out the name of the street I live on and even my phone number, which she calls on a regular basis. Now, I have no problem with people writing in to disagree with me, to correct my spelling and punctuation or to offer any kind of feedback. I’m tickled that people even read this little blog so I’m honored when people want to join the conversation. But threatening to come after me and my children where we live? That’s a bit much, no?”
Bednarz used an anonymous account to offer money to someone for infecting the president, but was quickly figured out, as she has posted about where she works.

While it is never useful to make snap judgments or wild diagnoses of people with whom you have not officially diagnosed, it would not be crazy to want to rule out Borderline Personality Disorder for Ms. Bednarz. 

Just saying.

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