Friday, April 17, 2020

MI Dem Gov. Gretchen Whitmer 'Abortions are life-sustaining'

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) was interviewed on Thursday and said that killing babies in the womb must be permitted during the COVID-19 pandemic because they are "life-sustaining." That's like saying we need to eat more to combat obesity--it makes the same amount of sense. Of course, she didn't call the murder of the unborn what it is, she softened it by using the word "abortion," but let's not kid ourselves--a death by any other name is still a death.

Whitmer made her non sequitur on David Axelrod's "Axe Files" podcast during a discussion about how other states tried to shut down abortion factories during the shutdown of non-essential services. But killing babies, to the left, is essential.

“As we speak, in Texas and a couple of other states, I think Ohio may be another, the state has asked to suspend abortion services as part of this COVID-19 protocol,” Axelrod, a former Obama staffer, said. “This is probably gonna go to the Supreme Court. What is your reaction to that? You’re a governor, you have to make these decisions as well, there are other procedures that have been suspended.”

“You know, we stopped elective surgeries here in Michigan, and some people have tried to say that that type of a procedure is considered the same, and that’s ridiculous,” Whitmer ridiculously responded. “You know, a woman’s health care, her whole future, her ability to decide if and when she starts a family is not an election, it is a fundamental to her life.”

I still cannot wait for the left to explain how a woman killing her unborn child is healthcare. If you're talking mental health, doesn't that knife cut both ways for the mother?

Whitmer continued, “It is life-sustaining, and it’s something that government should not be getting in the middle of."

It is life-ending and part of the government's role in society is to protect the lives of the helpless.

Leftists get it wrong every time, and they do it with words, with factless garbage that convince those with non-critical thinking to buy into their bull crap.D

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