Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Washington State choir rehearsal inked to COVID19: dozens sick, 2 dead

A choir rehearsal in Washington state in early March is probably the cause for a Wuhan coronavirus "super-spreading event" as dozens of choir singers became ill with the virus and two had died.

It likely began at the Skagit Valley Chorale in Mount Vernon about sixty miles from Seattle. The choir held its weekly rehearsal at the Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church on March 10, prior to reports of COVID-19 cases in the Skagit Valley area.

Since that day in March, 45 members have fallen ill and 28 have tested positive for coronavirus, Skagit County Public Health told Q13 FOX on Monday. Sadly, two members died, both were in their 80s.

No bans had been issued when the rehearsal took place and there were no closures in the county, although the Skagit health department did warn those folks over 60 to avoid "large public gatherings."

Almost three-quarters of those who showed up for rehearsal developed symptoms and/or tested positive for Wuhan coronavirus.

At that time, choir leaders said they decided to make the practice optional as they were concerned with the outbreak in other parts of Washington. Around 60 members – nearly half of the chorale – showed up.

Just a few days after, some members began feeling sick and as time passed, more members became sick.

If you want to use song to fight this pandemic, check out the video below.

“This virus looks different on everyone," Carolynn Comstock, chorale co-president, told KOMO News. "Some people had a fever, some people didn’t. Some people had a cough, some people didn’t. Some people only had that loss of sense of smell and taste.”

Jamie Lloyd-Smith, a University of California, Los Angeles, infectious disease researcher told the Los Angeles Times that the gathering would be considered a “super-spreading event” because of the number of positive cases and participants with symptoms.

In interviews with the paper, eight members who attended the rehearsal said no one showed any signs of being ill or even coughed or sneezed. They said everyone avoided physical contact and brought their own sheet music.

But one local health official believes it may have been the act of singing that led to the virus’ spread. But CNN and MSNBC will probably blame the spread on both President Trump and Christianity. They sure as hell won't blame it on China.

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