Thursday, March 5, 2020

There's clearly hope for America's future: AOC's losses proved it

She might be able to cook and dance while narcissistically posting on Instagram, but socialist former bartender Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Dummy-NY)  can now look at herself in the mirror and say "I'm a freaking loser and everything I touch turns to something that smells unpleasant."

Every one of the candidates she has backed, including Sen. Bernie "Pass the Pudding" Sanders (Idiot-VT), did not live up to the hype she gave them.

AOC recently started "Courage to Change," a leftist group composed of naive young people. The purpose of the group was to destroy the status quo, take on the grownups, and ruin the economy with pie in the sky socialism leading to communism. None of the candidates, all of whom were hispanic women, that were backed by her and her group, performed well on Tuesday.

One such candidate was Jessica Cisnerous, 26, an immigration lawyer. Cortez went out of her way to push for her in Texas' 28th Congressional District against Henry Cuellar.

“I am so incredibly proud of Jessica Cisneros,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted with an air of superiority. “At 26 years old, she ran for office for the first time to offer TX28 new leadership that fights for workers, gender rights, & a climate agenda. She stood up to Koch brother money & incumbency, & she came closer than anyone imagined.”

In other words, Cisneros lost.

Another candidate, Christina Tzintzún Ramirez, is a progressive-backed candidate for a Texas Senate seat. She is trying to make it into a runoff with MJ Hegar, the Democratic’s favored pick to face longtime Republican Sen. John Cornyn in November. 

While no candidate won more than 50 percent of the vote in the race, returns show Ramirez locked in a battle with Texas State Sen. Royce West for a place in the runoff with Hegar.

In other words, AOC's influence, other than Instagram, is almost imperceptible. 

Another Hispanic female and AOC-backed candidate, Georgette Gomez, made the initial cut and qualified for the general election for California’s 53rd district, in San Diego county. However, Gomez came in second with 19 percent percent of the vote against the establishment candidate Sara Jacobs, who received 28 percent. In California, as one of the top two primary vote-getters, Gomez automatically qualifies for the November general election.

But the best part was how Sanders performed on Super Tuesday, despite Ocasio-Cortez’s aggressive campaigning for him this year. Sleepy Joe Biden took his lunch money and had it out with Bernie behind the gym.

“It was a bloodbath for Sanders and a bonanza for Biden,” The Week reported. “States where Sanders had the inside track just days ago, particularly Maine, Minnesota, Texas, and Massachusetts, went for Biden, who also won Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Alabama. His margin in Virginia alone provided him with enough ballast to survive Sanders’ numbers out West. Sanders got obliterated so badly in Alabama that he likely will get close to zero delegates, just a worst case scenario performance.”

Even Vox, a far-left crapshow, was forced to concede how disastrous Sanders’ performance was: “It’s really hard to overstate how bad this is for Sanders.” 

Pollster Dave Wasserman called it a disastrous night for Bernie: “Sanders’s pledge to bring new voters into his movement seems fairly empty in the results we’re seeing so far. His coalition has shrunk since 2016, not grown.”

So Bernie is posting ads of what appears to be Obama supporting him for president, which is not the case at this time.

AOC current failure is right in line with her endorsement of yet another anti-Semitic crapweasel, British Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn. He was destroyed in the elections by Boris Johnson, and actual conservative.

Even in her own home district, Alexandria Obviously-Comatose did nothing for Tiffany Cabán, the district attorney backed by her last year. Cabán had to concede a loss to the Democratic establishment.

Numerous polls have shown that Ocasio-Cortez is not well liked across the country or even in her own district as she is seen by many as being too extreme, but some believe she's a "sure thing" to be reelected. 

Let's hope not--she isn't very bright and she's as crazy as Bernie's hair on a windy day.

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