Thursday, February 6, 2020

Rev. Spike Lee says Senators who voted for acquittal are going to hell. Rev. Al agrees

Shelton Jackson [aka Spike Lee] spoke with the very right racist Reverend Alfred Charles Sharpton Jr. [aka Al Sharpton; aka Al Sharptongue] about his religious belief that if the GOP senators were to acquit President Donald J. Trump that they will "burn in hell."

"Especially the white men," Sharpton opined, believing he has God in his corner in his fight against the white.  

“Let me ask you a question,” Rev. Lee said, as reported by Fox News. “Did they have to put their hands on the Bible when they took the vow?”

“I don’t know if they had a Bible out there but I think that they had the Bible up on the podium,” Sharpton responded. “By the way, what exactly is a Bible and why do you ask?”

Erupting into raucous laughter, Lee answered, “They’re going to burn in hell if they put their hand on that Bible,” he said, then added, "and I know that for a fact because I got a direct line to the Big Man Himself. He told me that He's a Democrat and all senators who don't vote along that party line and impeach that motherf****r are going straight to hell."

"No way, brother Spike. He really said that shee? Well roll me over and call me a dead roach. I can't believe you got yourself a direct connection to the Big Guy.

As Lee went on, he also confirmed that God told him that Republicans will be “struck by lightning,” and said that history will judge them harshly and they better hope like hell Adam Schiff or AOC never becomes president.

Sharpton replied, "Ain't no Jew ever gonna be no president, not while I'm here guardin' the hen house."

And just then, an incredibly loud clap of thunder filled the studio creating a moment of fear and mass hysteria among the MSNBC crew.

Fortunately, it turned out merely to be flatulence emulating from Rev. Al Sharpton's nether regions.

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