Saturday, February 1, 2020

NY Crime Shoots Up Like Many of the Homeless

Give me a Democrat-run city and I'll give you crime, needles and garbage in the streets along with homelessness. In New York City, crime has risen 60 percent and much of the reason has to do with the party in charge.

With its stringent gun laws, no ordinary New Yorker can carry a gun, yet shootings are up 59.6 percent over this time last year.

A pregnant woman was shot on Sunday while sitting in her car in front of her Queens home. This is no longer uncommon in New York now that local politicians worry more about increasing the prison population than they fear the increase in crime. You see, most of the time, crime doesn't personally affect politicians any more than the laws they pass that affects citizens.

According to NYPD crime data, in addition to the 59.6 percent spike in shootings over the same time frame as last year, robberies also increased 32.8 percent and grand larceny auto crimes were up a huge 62.8 percent. Burglaries rose by 17 percent. Happy New Year, New York.

The reason for the enormous crime spikes is obvious: New York State has basically abolished bail.

NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said at a press conference last Friday "If you let out individuals that commit a lot of crime, that's precision policing in reverse and we're seeing the effects in a very quick time." He openly criticized the undeniable "correlation" between the huge spike in crime and the jail and prison "populations dropping significantly."

One criminal in Staten Island, New York, who had a history of vehicle theft, was arrested three times in three weeks for breaking into vehicles. He was released every time because the law handcuffs judges instead of criminals. They cannot even set bail.

This is the other side of the criminal justice equation that politicians, including country club Republicans, refuse to recognize. As they are focused like a laser beam on reducing the prison population, they are ignoring the human nature of violent criminals claims Conservative Review.

Criminals see no reason to stop their illegal behavior, and for good reason. Thus, whatever form of crime it is they like to engage in, they will continue repeating it until they are again incarcerated. Repeat, rinse and repeat.

Shea told a story of how a drunk driver drove into a cop who had pulled over another vehicle at the side of the road and pinned him between the police car and his vehicle. The drunk driver, who had been arrested for DWI before, was out of jail before the cop was out of the hospital. "I mean, something's wrong with that picture," Shea said.

Even with the serious drug crisis in New York, even the worst scumbag drug traffickers have nothing to worry about. Six fentanyl traffickers working for Dominican distributors, three of whom were here illegally, were released without bail.

Repeat armed robbers are given the revolving door treatment too. They are being let out, rob again and then don't show up for court because there's no reason why they should.

But New York keeps electing far-left, virtue-signalling Democrats who never have to worry about their own safety, so they don't worry about the public's. What they get are more crime, more drug overdoses and more innocent victims.

We live in a nation where 55% of those incarcerated in state prisons in 2016 were convicted of violent crimes according to the latest Bureau of Justice Statistics data. The recidivism rate for those released show that within 3 years of release, 67.8% are rearrested; within 5 years of release, 76.6% are rearrested, as per the National Institute of Justice.

And let's remember that most people in prison are there for violent crimes. Cities cannot serve as prison reform centers, especially when the public, serving as the prison guards, is unarmed.

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