Wednesday, December 18, 2019

WaPo gives Pelosi 4 Pinocchios for lying about guns

It's time to impeach the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for lying to the American public. She needs to be held accountable to the American people for saying that 47 percent of gun deaths were "teenagers or children." CDC data show the real number is closer to 9 percent, a five-fold difference, and this should be enough to impeach, using her own standards of impeachment.

A Washington Post fact-check released Thursday gave Pelosi four Pinocchios for a "bogus talking point" about the number of children killed with firearms each year. This is the harshest rating given as a fact-check by the Post and a clear reminder to the American people that the leaders in the Democratic Party have a non-existent relationship with Truth.

"For months, in speeches, news conferences, tweets and interviews, Pelosi has been using a version of an incorrect talking point to make the firearms death toll for teenagers and children appear significantly higher than reality," the factcheck read. "When we queried her staff, we were told she had simply misspoken. But that was false, too."

So her staff even lied about her lie.

When asked about the lie, Pelosi's office said the speaker meant to say 47 teenagers or children were killed with guns per day. However, even that number would amount to 43 percent of total gun deaths, still very far from the CDC's findings.

Even the attempt at a cover-up was bogus. Impeach!

The new claim from Pelosi's office, the Post said, seemingly "took advantage of" the paper's policy to not assign scores to false statements made by politicians who later correct themselves. The Post made an exception to the policy and gave Pelosi four Pinocchios anyway.


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