Sunday, December 1, 2019

Chick-fil-A's Charity Director donated to Hillary's and Obama's campaigns

Wow, who'd a thunk? The Chick-fil-A Foundation's executive director donated to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, and the company did the same with Barac Obama's campaign, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records. Both candidates eagerly support the killing of the unborn, which isn't very Christian.

[Full disclosure: I have never eaten at a Chick-fil-A because my wife is an incredible Indian cook and I rarely eat at fast food joints.]

Executive director Rodney Bullard joined Chick-fil-A in 2011 to head its foundation. All charitable contributions for the chicken chain go through this foundation. In 2008, before Bullard joined the company, Chick-fil-A donated $1,000 to the Obama campaign; but in 2016, Bullard headed the foundation which gave Hillary Clinton's campaign $1,000.

While the company has turned off their pro-life Christian support base now that they've cut off pro-family charities, they are still pretending that they stand behind their Christian principles that led to their huge growth in the USA.

“Our goal is to donate to the most effective organizations in the areas of education, homelessness and hunger. No organization will be excluded from future consideration – faith based or non-faith based,” Tim Tassopoulos, president and COO of Chick-fil-A, recently said.

Let's just hope they don't decide to donate to white supremacist Nick Fuentes' "America First" web program.

The company is also paying lip service to Christian leaders such as Rev. Franklin Graham, who accepted the wooing from a Chick-fil-A executive without doing any research about their decision to bow to the LGBTQ pressure and thus stop donating to the Salvation Army, an organization that abides by its Christian values and does not support same sex marriage or taxpayer funding of the mutilation of one's genitals to confirm one's delusions.

“I picked up the phone and called [Chick-fil-A CEO] Dan Cathy. Dan was very clear that they have not bowed down to anyone’s demands, including the LGBTQ community. They will continue to support whoever they want to support,” Graham naively wrote in a Facebook post.

“They haven’t changed who they are or what they believe. Chick-fil-A remains committed to Christian values. Dan Cathy assured me that this isn’t going to change. I hope all those who jumped to the wrong conclusion about them read this,” he ignorantly added.

Graham still advocates for the chicken chain in spite of their denying funds to the Salvation Army and redirecting them to Covenant House International (CHI). 

In the 1970s this writer worked as a volunteer for CHI and met the organization's founder, Fr. Bruce Ritter. 

Father Ritter seemed rather aloof for a priest and he was later accused of myriad sexual assaults against the vulnerable youth he was "advocating" for along Manhattan's "Minnesota Strip," as it was called. [It got its name from the runaway kids who often came from Minnesota. Many of them worked as child prostitutes to keep from starving.] At the time, the location at West 44th Street was known as "Under 21" because the organization only took in kids below that age. 

Ritter died in 1999.

Over the years, Covenant House has become extremely LGBT-friendly, supporting the annual New York City gay pride parade with a float and the hashtag #CovUnity. It also helps to fund the LGBT agenda on a national basis. While this is not evil, it is clearly not Christian to fund what is considered a sin.

That Chick-fil-A has stopped donating to a true Christian organization and now gives CHI funding, is rather sad and shameful.

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