Sunday, November 10, 2019

Make believe tough guy says Trump wouldn't make it as a tough guy

An actor is a person who pretends to be someone who they are not. Robert De Niro is an actor who often plays the part of a tough gangster, but he isn't a gangster, he is a pretender for profit.

The 76-year-old actor apparently has gotten so deep into his typical gangster roles, he seems to have forgotten that he's just an old actor with a deep hatred for President Trump, and appears to believe that he's a badass Mafioso.

In an appearance on MSNBC on Saturday, De Niro bashed Trump by saying that he didn't think the president could measure up as a real underworld tough guy. Evidently, De Niro thinks being a lawless scumwafer [like he pretends to be in his movies], is a good thing, which may account for his vile language he often uses to verbally attack the president.

“I think in the real gangster world, he wouldn't last long. He lasts long in his own little real estate world, where he's the boss because he's the boss and he inherited all that money and he's a fool. In the real world, he wouldn't last long. That's my feeling.”

De Niro, who knows a thing or two about faking who he is,  also slammed Trump as a “fake president” who needed to be “held accountable” through the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry. De Niro probably didn't mean to disrespect almost half the nation who voted him into office, but perhaps he did.

"If we don't go through this impeachment inquiry," he pontificated, "we're letting him get away with something,"  He has done something wrong, he has to pay for that. He has to be held accountable,” he said, assuming Trump is presumed guilty and must prove his innocence.

The actor then pretended to be a psychologist and claimed that there is a psychological reason why Trump uses terms such as “fake news.” Clearly the actor doesn't understand that Trump says a lot of "stuff" right off the top of his head and is giving him too much credit.

“He calls everything else fake because he knows he's fake,” De Niro said, playing the role of mind reader.

De Niro went off on Trump in September, dropping the F-bomb on the show whose title is an oxymoron: "Reliable Sources," with Brian Stelter. When the bald-headed stooge asked the one-note actor about the Fox News pundits who support the President, the actor went into a fake rage: "F*** 'em . . . f*** 'em," he swore.

A CNN insider later questioned the decision to book the potty mouth De Niro, describing him as having “zero discernible news value.”

“What is his credential, other than deeply hating the president?” the CNN source told Fox News. “What did our viewers gain from his vulgarity?”

What they gained, hopefully, is some insight into the notion that the new way of trying to remain relevant is to be vulgar and bash the President.

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1 comment:

  1. I did not finish reading this... It aggravates me to no end, and DeNero is someone whom I do not like at all.. Sorry Rob


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