Friday, September 27, 2019

Warren's private prison hypocrisy

Warren making the soon-to-be-announced
racist hand gesture

Sen. Elizabeth "Dances with Palefaces" Warren (D-MA) says that she wants to ban private prisons from operating because "no one should make a profit locking people up." She never explains why that's somehow a plausible fact when  similar claims about drug companies involved in producing lethal injection solutions aren't challenged. But it sounds good and she's going to stick by her statement.

Question: So why did the senator invest in private prisons and make a money from them in the past?

Answer: Because she, like many politicians, particularly those on the left, are hypocrites and liars.

Warren invested as much as $50,000 in a Vanguard Group fund that owned hundreds of millions of dollars worth of shares in high level private prison companies, the fund being the largest shareholder of the U.S.A's. largest private prison corporation.

In 2013, she cashed out and opened a different retirement account.

Warren had invested in Vanguard Target Retirement 2025 run by the Vanguard Group. They invested over 30 percent of their funds in their domestic stock index fund and the company was the top shareholder of Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), one of the largest of GEO Group, both private prison companies, according to data from the Securities and Exchange Commission

Vanguard owned more than 12 million CCA shares and nearly 9 million GEO Group shares, which were worth roughly $456 million and $216 million, respectively, in March 2013.

CCA, now called CoreCivic, was already the country's largest owner of private prisons in 2013, according to an annual report

Now this isn't meant to disparage private prison management corporations because the private sector tends to overwhelmingly outperform the public sector in most areas [education being an good example].

The point is, Warren will say anything that she believes needs to be said to secure the Democratic presidential nomination.

The Warren campaign did not respond to request for comment.

"There should be no place in America for profiting off putting more people behind bars or in detention," Warren wrote in a June Medium post. "That's why I will shut down the use of federal private detention facilities by ending all contracts that the Bureau of Prisons, ICE, and the U.S. Marshals Service have with private detention providers."

Her idea can be depicted in the fact that California has decriminalized shoplifting in the state and guess what--it has increased substantially. 

"No one should make a profit locking people up, and no one should have a financial incentive to lobby Congress to lock up even more people," Warren said at a Sept. 16 rally in New York's Washington Square.

Except that those who are locked up are being locked up because they have committed crimes. If you decriminalize crimes your statistics will improve but criminal behavior will increase. 

The left thinks backwards--they see success in education, for example, not in terms of outcome, but in terms of how much money is spent on education. And they see private prison corporations as the miscreants rather than the criminals.

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