Friday, August 9, 2019

Pence mocked by former mocked Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton's former sex provider

Vice President Pence was mocked by Monica Lewinsky, the former Bill Clinton sex provider while he was president. Although she was infamous for her affair with Clinton and was mocked mercilessly by the media, Clinton lovers and Hillary Clinton, she has taken the role of mocker, instead of mockee, and went after Pence for a comment he made at the Alliance Defending Freedom on Tuesday about people needing to spend more time on their knees in prayer than on the internet.

Lewinsky, who has logged significant knee time in the White House, and has since taken up an anti-cyberbullying campaign, tweeted: "def not me."

Pence has been raked over the coals being accused by people who evidently don't understand a religious take on relationships, as a "sexist dinosaur" for not dining along with other women besides his wife. Funny, in this time of the #MeToo movement, it sounds like great advice, but as a religious Catholic, Pence's belief goes along with his religious commitment. Ironically, he was criticized by Pete Buttigieg for that personal rule, who claims that Pence is "hurting people" by advancing "homophobic policies."

But he isn't. Buttigieg, who is married to a man, is lying. Worse, he pretends to speak for Jesus and sees those who criticize his same sex marriage as the sinners, not him and his husband.

Hate the sin; not the sinner. That's Pence's belief and he has clearly practiced it, even with the Alfred E. Neuman-looking Mayor Pete.

The left is relentless in their hatred for people who are religious. In the interview, Pence shared how he and Second Lady, Karen Pence, [who was harassed for teaching art at a private Christian school outside D.C.] work to forgive anyone who speaks against them.

"As a Christian believer, we're charged to pray for our loved ones but also pray for our enemies. You have lots of opportunities in politics to do that," he added. "But I would say that forgiveness is a great gift."

Now go tell that to Twitter users on the left who will not even accept a full-throated apology when one of their own makes the mistake of not hating Trump supporters to the level of their liking.

Monica Lewinsky should probably keep her mouth shut.

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