Sunday, July 21, 2019

Androgynous MSNBC host says Trumpers 'must be destroyed'--'It cannot be negotiated with'

Mainly Snotty Neanderthals Being Cynical (MSNBC) host [with an androgynous name and appearance] Chris Hayes 'latté vented' a few days ago about how progressives [aka Constitutional regressives] should approach the kind of sentiments President Trump's supporters expressed during his North Carolina rally on Wednesday.

His supporters, who chanted "send her back" at the mention of anti-Semite and Minnesota freshman congresswoman Ilhan Omar reveled in their own "Americanness and primacy at the expense of others," Mzz. Hayes said on Thursday.

Hayes, who hosts "All In," an anti-Trump clown show accused his supporters of exhibiting a type of "passion" and "rage" that fueled Republican politics. "That sentiment at the core of the coalition cannot be pried loose and it cannot be negotiated with and it cannot be appeased," Mzz. Hayes said.

In the spirit of the lovely Marianne Williamson, Hayes said,  "It must be peacefully, non-violently, politically destroyed with love, compassion, and determination -- but utterly confronted and destroyed," Hayes added. "That is the only way to break the coalition apart."

Hayes went on to suggest that Trump's coalition was "in too deep" and "shamed themselves too much" to leave based on various interests. "The heart of the thing must be ripped out," he said. "The darkness must be banished. The people who feel moral revulsion at that display we saw last night must collectively mobilize in greater numbers than the chanters."

Marianne Williamson said of Hayes' remarks, "Is this person, this Hayes, sleeping with anybody?"

Look, Trump was wrong about standing there while his audience chanted "Send her back!" He didn't react quickly as he claimed--he waited a full 13 seconds, but he didn't encourage the chant as he always does when he agrees. It looks more as if he was taken by surprise. He should have stopped it in its tracks but he didn't. However, the media and the left [but I repeat myself] in congress are now comparing him to the late Sen. John McCain when he didn't allow a woman in his audience to get away with calling Obama a Muslim. Yet when McCain was running, these same people attacked him for being a racist, bigot, homophobe and whatever the word of the day was the Democrats use to smear Republicans.

Everyone knew who Trump was when he ran and was elected to office. The left will blame Trump for everything they can. I forget who said it on Fox News the other day, but he said [and I paraphrase] that if Trump walked on water crossing the Delaware River, the left would say "He can't swim."

Chris Hayes is just another media opinion hack with no real journalistic integrity, like the rest of them who see nothing positive about Trump's accomplishments. This is why he is our president. 

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