Saturday, June 8, 2019

Dem. Rep's 'lizard brain' and Trump Derangement Syndrome

Far-Left Democrats have lizard brains and tend to use them when they protest. Antifa members use their lizard brains almost exclusively.

Democrat Rep. Jim Himes (CT) said during a Thursday interview on CNN that his "lizard brain" wants to see "bad things" happen to President Donald Trump, mainly because Himes is an angry, Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer who only respects the office of the president when it's occupied by a fellow leftist.

"Let me press you . . .  Congressman," the Comedy News Network's Wolf "Pause" Blitzer said. "Do you want to see . . .  the president of the United States in jail?"

"More than anything else, Wolf, I don't -- this isn't about my feelings or about retribution," Himes lied. "The lizard brain that I have says I hope bad things happen to this man because he has been so destructive to our republic, to the concept of democracy, to the concept that, internationally, we are a light unto the nations."

"What has the president done to destroy the republic?" Wolf didn't ask.

But the lizard brain continued: "So yes, I have my emotional reactions but, look, we're a nation that is of a rule of -- we are a nation of laws," Himes continued, trying to sound sane. "So," he began with "so" as his sentence-starter, "what I really hope -- and this is me personally speaking -- what I really hope," he repeated, "is that if impeachment is not a mechanism of accountability -- and I will tell you flat out that I can't imagine anything happening, anything at all happening that would cause the Senate to convict and, therefore, remove this president -- so impeachment stops in the House, in my opinion, my real hope is, that in 2020, the American voters look into their hearts, think about the generation that we've been celebrating today, who, as young men, decided that they would give their lives for this country," he said without offering a single ground for impeachment other than the left's lizard brains and pure hatred.

Blitzer pressed Himes on the subject in response to a Politico report that stated that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wanted to see the president in prison, which is totally inappropriate but acceptable to lizard brains.

"I ask the question, Congressman, not only because . . .  of what Nancy Pelosi told her fellow Democrats . . .  in the House about preferring to see him in prison rather than being impeached . . . because Democrats have heavily criticized President . . .  Trump for himself talking about jailing his own . . .  political opponents," Blitzer said breathlessly. "He's raised the possibility of their committing treason. Former senior officials in the . . .  Justice Department, the intelligence community, the FBI. So what she has just . . .  said and what you're now saying, is that any different when you're suggesting maybe . . .  the president belongs in jail?"

"It is. When the president of the United States, the leader of the country says something, it is different than when even a member of Congress says something," Himes responded as his tongue flicked out of his mouth in the direction of a fly.

"The president commands the most powerful apparatus in human history. That's the executive branch of the government with the military, with the FBI, et cetera. He commands the most powerful institution that human beings have ever seen. So, yes, what the president -- and by the way, he speaks for the country. I don't speak for the country. If I'm lucky, I speak for just more than half of my constituents," Hines said, not finishing the thought and enjoying the fly.

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