Sunday, May 26, 2019

Congress seeks to stop feds from giving early release of terrorists for "good behavior"

So a guy, let's call him Mohammed, blows up a group of people watching a road race. Or a guy goes on a killing spree at an Army base and kills a bunch of soldiers. Or a guy beheads an American on YouTube.

Then somehow, maybe by a stroke of serendipity, the guy gets caught, goes on trial, gets convicted and is sentenced to 20 years in prison.

After a couple of years in which the guy prays 5 times a day, only eats properly prepared halal food, makes his guards wear gloves to handle the Qur'an that they bring him to pray with [because infidels are considered 'dirty'] the guy makes no trouble for his fellow inmates, most of whom are like him.

But in his head and heart, he still wants to kill anyone who refuses to follow "the religion of peace" in the same way he follows it. He wants the world to pray as he prays.

So after say, ten years, they review Mohammad's case. They find that he's been a model prisoner, in spite of the fact that he sometimes says things that are disturbing, like Islamic State people are his people. Like he still believes in "the cause," or "jihad."

But some folks on a parole board, fearing the label of "Islamophobia," voted for his early release on the basis of good behavior.

Finally, Congress is trying to prevent the federal government from releasing Americans convicted of terrorism from being released from prison for good behavior. The legislation comes in reaction to the recent early release of American Taliban scumbag John Walker Lindh, who was let out of prison after serving 17 years of a 20-year sentence. Perhaps the sentence should have been 120 years.

Lindh is an unrepentant piece of human excrement who, in 2015 wrote that the ISIS terror group was doing "a spectacular job."

The release of Lindh from prison for good behavior has pissed off Republican national security hawks in Congress and now prompted Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton (R) and Republican allies to initiate legislation to bar anyone convicted of terrorism charges from ever being released from prison for good behavior.

Of course, Lindh isn't the only American who has been sentenced to prison on terrorism charges since September 11. 2001. If the legislation passes, Cotton's bill will make certain that no other terrorist ever gets released early from prison. Meanwhile, let's hope we keep a collective eye on Lindh because he hasn't apparently changed.

"Our safety depends on keeping dangerous terrorists where they can't harm Americans, but right now even unrepentant terrorists are eligible for early release from prison, sometimes for so-called ‘good behavior,'" Cotton said in a statement announcing the legislation, which has already garnered support from Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL). "Supporting radical Islamist groups like ISIS is savage behavior, not good behavior. Our bill would make convicted terrorists ineligible for early release."

A similar version of Cotton's bill has been introduced in the House by Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL).

"A convicted terrorist walking free before his sentence is completed should never happen again," Byrne said in a statement.

Byrne backed the legislation after requests from the Spann family, who's son Johnny was the first American killed in combat in the Afghanistan war, when Lindh and other militant prisoners staged an uprising at the prison where they were being detained.

"The Spann family asked me to address this injustice, and I want to make sure no other family has to go through what the they have been through. The No Leniency for Terrorists Act will prevent terrorists from taking advantage of our laws to avoid paying their debt to society. We must ensure that terrorist will remain behind bars where they belong."

Spann's father, also called Johnny, said in recent interviews that Lindh's release was outrageous.

"It's not a slap in the face to me, it's a knife in the back," he was quoted as saying.

Lindh, while serving his prison terms, was unrepentant about supporting foreign terror organizations, writing as recently as 2015 that the ISIS terror faction was "doing a spectacular job."

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