Monday, May 6, 2019

Cohen goes whole hog on chicken stunt

Rep Steve Cohen (D-TN) spoke with MSNBC about  the chicken stunt he pulled on the House floor. He said he planned it the previous night, pondering how best he could make a fool of himself and maybe in the process get a few laughs, and chicken came to mind.

Cohen bought the bucket of greasy dead fowl the previous night and when he gobbled the bird down, it was cold and yucky--he didn't like it and said that it was not "wonderful."

The purpose of his gobbling the chicken down during the House Judiciary Committee hearing was to take a swipe at Attorney General William Barr, who was not in attendance [to Cohen's relief]. 

Cohen responded to his critics of the somewhat disgusting display and said the move was an attempt at "levity." But there's nothing funny about seeing a guy eating chicken with his hands and an open mouth.

The best part was the ceramic chicken Cohen brought along for the show. He mocked Barr for being "too chicken" for not showing at the hearing, which brought raucous laughter on the House floor--just kidding.

The joke bombed. 

Most notably, Jimmy Kimmel mocked the stunt and warned Democrats that using this kind of “sick burns” will cost them the presidential election in 2020. [From Kimmel's show to G-d's 5K Smart TV.]

"Wow, what a sick burn that is," Kimmel said sarcastically to his audience. "Trump's gonna win again with stuff like that, isn't he?"

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