Sunday, May 5, 2019

Clinton tour tickets at bargain basement prices

They took the winter off, hoping the hiatus would increase the demand for the final tour tickets, but it didn't matter. The Bill and Hillary Clinton book tour prices have gone down the toilet with some tickets reduced to less than $10.

The tour ends this weekend after going to the Forum Theater in Los Angeles and Park Theater in Vegas, baby. The demand for seats has been so poor that daughter Chelsea may even offer assistance with a rendition of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" on the Polynesian nose flute. As it now stands, neither venue has sold out.
 Tickets for these amazing events can be had for a song at Ticketmaster and other, less known market sites.

On Friday night, the New York Post reports, tour organizers were forced to "slash listed prices and even offer discount ducats through Groupon to boost sales" at Seattle’s WaMu Theater.

Even the "best seats,"  [clearly a relative term] which once cost around $1700, were available Friday night for around $800. Anyone foolish enough to pay that much money to see a shrew and her male slut speak deserve to be taken to the cleaners.

Secondary ticket marketplace, StubHub, had tickets for Saturday evening's show in LA available for a whopping $6 -- for a floor seat. Similar-priced tickets are available in the arena's first and second bowls. The best ticket currently available on StubHub -- a third row, middle, floor section seat -- is at the overpriced price of $47.50!

Parking at LA's Forum Theater will cost more than seeing these obnoxious politicians speak. By 'speak' I mean lie.

Fortunately, after Sunday night, “An Evening With the Clintons” will be put to bed, and they can go their separate ways to different beds.

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