Monday, May 13, 2019

AOC says that people who believe anything she says are idiots

On Sunday, Rep. Alexandria Occasionally-Coherent (Dits-NY) claimed to be pulling our collective legs when she said the world was going to end in 12 years if we don't take serious action against climate change. In spite of her making these kinds of crazy statements over and over, this time she was kidding around, kind of like Kim Foxx was when she recused herself in the Jussie Smollett case.

In an attempt to not sound as stupid as a bag of cow feces, the 29-year-old made fun of the GOP for actually believing that she believed her line of garbage because we all know she's dumb enough to actually think it's true. She said that her comment was a combo of "dry humor + sarcasm." [She may not even know how to spell the word "and," because she invariably uses the plus sign.]

The she tried to lay the blame that the GOP believed she believed her balderdash by tweeting on Mother's Day:
"This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and 'fact check' it. Like the 'world ending in 12 years' thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal. But the GOP is basically Dwight from The Office so who knows."
The irony wasn't lost on the GOP knowing that AOC actually has the intelligence of a sea sponge.

When she first made her ridiculous hyperbolic claim, it was at a Martin Luther King forum in New York City last January. The Daily Wire previously reported about the event. 

She made the crazy statement without laughing, earned a round of applause from the progressive audience, and then emphasized the point by calling the fight against Climate Change "our World War II." It sounded very sincere, like she really believed her words, because if she was joking, she made fools of her audience. 

The truth, as everyone with a brain knows, is that AOC is looking more and more like a stupid, uninformed bartender, spouting crap off the top of her empty head. She got caught and is now pretending it was all a joke, proving the point that stupid people think they can fool others, and also that stupid people don't know they're stupid.

"I think the part of it that is generational is that millennials and people, in Gen Z, and all these folks that come after us are looking up and we’re like, the world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change," charged AOC. "And your biggest issue, your biggest issue is how are going to pay for it? — and like this is the war, this is our World War II."

"Like," one of the most annoying sentence-fillers in the English language.

Complicating the cretin's recent suggestion that her world-ending claim was merely a joke, she has repeated the claim several times and even collaborated with The Intercept to create a video centered around the charge.

Stupid people believe others will believe them. They don't know that they are stupid.

"Climate change is here + we’ve got a deadline: 12 years left to cut emissions in half," she tweeted, when she promoted the video, last month. So who was the joke aimed at?

The video is titled, "A Message from the Future with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez." It depicts her in the future whereby she almost singlehandedly saved the planet via her Green New Deal. Again, she says in the video that we have a "twelve years to change everything" lest "hundreds of millions of people would be more likely to face food and water shortages, poverty, and death.” [See video below.]

Now that is so funny, I forgot to laugh.

“Twelve years to change everything,” she pontificates. “How we got around, how we fed ourselves, how we made our stuff, how we lived and worked — everything. The only way to do it was to transform our economy, which we already knew was broken.”

Hahahahaha . . . my sides are hurting. What a joke. Hahahahaa.

In fact, The Washington Free Beacon reported that the Congressional comedienne doubled-down on her 12-year declaration of doom during an Instagram live-steam when a viewer mocked her over the joke, which wasn't thought to be a joke at that time.

"We have twelve years left to cut emissions by at least 50 percent if not more," the former bartender, visibly annoyed, told her viewers. "For everyone who wants to make a joke about that, you may laugh, but your grandkids will not, so understand that the internet documents everything."

Yes, the internet documents everything. Look up her video and judge for yourself.

"She then went on a tangent about looking back in history books of the civil rights movement and seeing the white people holding signs against allowing black people to vote," the Beacon noted.

"They would hold up these bigoted signs and they would hold up signs that said things like ‘What about white rights?' and all of this stuff in the 1950s and 1960s, so just know that in the present day there are a lot of people who hide the fact that their families and that their grandparents fought against principles of equal rights in the United States, not 100 years ago, not 80 years ago, but in this generation's lifetime," said the elected rep.

"While a lot of people can hide that their grandparents did that in the civil rights movement, you should also know that the internet documents everything and your grandchildren will not be able to hide the fact that you fought against acknowledging and taking bold actions on climate change," the socialist continued. "People who are trying to mock and delay this moment, I mean—I just feel bad for you. I just pity you for your role in history right now."

But if you actually read the GND, you might see it more as a call for government takeover and socialism, than a climate change problem. In fact, climate change issue is merely the vehicle AOC and Bernie Sanders supports to implement socialism.

LOL. What a joke! She was kidding us all along about the dozen years we have left. 

Who knew?

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