Sunday, April 7, 2019

Sheriff's office changes dog's name to something less "Nazi-ish"

I have a friend named Cecil. If you come from Brooklyn, New York, grew up in the 1960s and your name is Cecil, you have to learn how to fight. Cecil is now a martial arts expert.

If you're a sheriff's dog in Florida and your name is 'Rommel' and you post a proud photo of him online, you're going to have to change your name. It's too "Nazi-ish." There is no way that at anything less than 9300 people will find a way to be offended by a name.

Of course everyone who knows WW II history knows that Rommel was one of Hitler's top military officers. He was known as "The Desert Fox" because of his uncanny ability to navigate his tanks in advantageous combat positions against the allies, and run when he had to escape.

Florida sheriff's office had to change the name of Rommel and they were thinking of changing it to Adolph, after the fantastic meat tenderizer, but instead chose to name the bloodhound 'Scout,' after one of the main characters in "To Kill a Mockingbird."

Lake County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) first welcomed Rommel on Twitter.
"He is a 10 week old liver colored bloodhound now assigned to Master Deputy Meintzschel. Rommel will soon begin his rigorous training to support the community by locating missing persons, fugitives, and evidence. Welcome aboard Rommel!"
However, some Twitter followers of the sheriff's office connected the dog's name to Erwin Rommel, a senior officer in the German Army who had commanded Adolf Hitler's military protection unit. He also led German troops sent to North Africa during World War II and killed himself in 1944 rather than face trial after he was linked to a plot to kill Hitler, but that doesn't count for his victim status.

"Really?! That poor pup," one Twitter user wrote. "Congratulations, you nazified that poor dog," tweeted another.

Chelsea Handler was about to get into the Twitter attack but the sheriff's office confirmed that they change the dog's name.

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