Thursday, April 11, 2019

Gillibrand wants to reach out and touch someone with a tactile nuke: Bolton nearly wets himself

U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton along with his mustache, was a guest on the  Hugh Hewitt’s show, and broke up laughing, nearly wetting himself, at silly remarks made by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (Dummy-NY) showing her tremendous grasp of nuclear weaponry in which she referred to “tactile” nuclear weapons. She apparently feels they’re dangerous because they’re something you can reach out and touch and with which you can blow someone to smithereens.

Hewitt played a clip of Gillibrand speaking at a townhall in Dover, New Hampshire, in which she repeatedly referred to “tactile” nuclear weapons, which caused Bolton to go on a laugh marathon.

Here's the exchange:

Hewitt: Last question, Ambassador Bolton. The presidential campaign is underway. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand ventured into strategic matters at a town hall in Dover. Let me play you a 40 second cut of what she had to say and ask the follow up question. Cut number 17:
Gillibrand can be heard saying, “When you say you want to develop low-yield nuclear weapons that are tactile, what you’re saying is you want to use them. Now the military will make an argument to say oh, this is just again to make, we have to have an equal threat. And this, if it’s usable, then it’s a better threat. I just found that is not believable. I just, I, they’re trying to create nuclear weapons that are usable. So I opposed the entire Defense bill because of that one provision. So if I am president, I am going to make sure we unwind that completely, and I don’t think we should be trying to create tactile nuclear weapons.”
Hewitt continued, “So the…”

Bolton, laughing so hard his mustache did the Electric Slide, “Tactile nuclear weapons?”

Hewitt: Well, I was unfamiliar with the concept, Mr. Ambassador.

Bolton can’t stop laughing.

Hewitt: What are you up to?

Bolton still laughing, “I have to say, I was unfamiliar with it as well. I wonder what Senator Gillibrand knows that I don’t.”

Hewitt: Oh, they are very worried.

Bolton is still laughing uncontrollably.

Hewitt: I’ve been studying this stuff with, since President Nixon was in retirement in San Clemente. First time I’ve heard of tactile nuclear weapons. So what, is something going on at Andrew Marshall’s old office at the Pentagon we don’t know about?

Bolton: (laughing) Well, you know, Hugh, as national security advisor, I don’t get involved in politics. But I’ll just say maybe Senator Gillibrand could give me a call and tell me what she knows about those tactile nuclear weapons. I’d be interested in learning it. (laughing--see video above).

Now let's be clear. There are weapons known as "tactical" nuclear weapons. They are low-yield and destroy less stuff than the big boys [pun intended, if you get it], so there's less collateral damage. 

Former Secretary of Defense James "Mad Dog" Mattis had stated there was no such thing, asserting, "I don’t think there is any such thing as a ‘tactical nuclear weapon.’ Any nuclear weapon used any time is a strategic game-changer."

But even if you disagree with Mattis, be assured that there are no tactile nukes in our arsenal.

Follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and will hopefully entertain you bigly.

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