Saturday, April 6, 2019

Dem. congresswoman implores G-d to get Republicans to stop interfering with infanticide

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) is angry and exasperated over the fact that Republicans continue to push for a vote on a bill to stop killing babies, and she called upon her personal relationship with the Creator: “Oh, my G-d. They just will not quit. . . I think politically, it’s a really bad move for them, and substantively, it’s a disaster.”

That doesn't seem to be a really good look for her.

As LifeNews reported, Democrats, led by Nancy "Dancing Hands" Pelosi, have blocked a bill a total of 28 times that would protect babies who are born alive after abortions and provide them with appropriate medical care and treatment rather than doing nothing so that they can die a painful death.

Earlier this week, Republicans led an effort to to get petition signatures for a discharge petition to bring the bill to the floor.

Politico has predictably provided cover for Democrats. The left is desperately trying to avoid a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, because it would show their true colors, their true disregard for babies over votes. Republicans are trying to bring the bill to a floor vote via a discharge petition.

The Federalist columnist Melanie Zanona writes, “House Republicans on Tuesday launched a long-shot bid to force a vote on anti-abortion legislation — an issue they plan to hammer vulnerable Democrats on even if they can’t secure action on the floor.”

The desperation of this statement is almost palpable. Pushing the issue is anything but a bad move for Republicans and a great move for some future Americans who survived the efforts of abortion doctors to kill them.

SIGN THE PETITION: Stop Infanticide! Stop Abortions Up to Birth!

The federalist author puts things into perspective for Rep. Schakowsky:

This purpose of this bill is not to limit the abortion entitlement, however. As freshman Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas put it: 
What this bill says is during an attempted abortion, and the baby is actually born alive, should the doctor actually save it? Now the next question you might ask is, why are we doing this? Is this a question that actually needs answering? Well no actually, because of policies proposed in Virginia and New York and Vermont, we feel that we actually have to put this into law. We actually have to put into law that a baby born with ten fingers and ten toes and a heartbeat, a baby that is breathing, deserves to live because it has value, because it is a human life.
While this bill does not directly threaten the legality of abortion whatsoever, the misinformation should still be addressed, because the truth leads to startlingly ugly conclusion about the motivations of Democrats in opposing the bill—and those do have to do with abortion.
The blocking of a vote on a bill to stop infanticide, and clearly that's what it is, comes even as national polling shows Americans — including people who are “pro-choice” on abortion — oppose abortion up to birth and infanticide.

Most Americans reject abortion the day before a child is born (80%), abortion in the third trimester (79%), and removing medical care for a viable child after birth (82%).

If Schakowsky, Pelosi and Democrats think the best political move is to stand with the 18 percent of soulless Americans who think denying newborn infants medical care is a good thing, Republicans and pro-life advocates won’t stand in her way.

But oh, my G-d, how can Democrats who support infanticide live with themselves?

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