Thursday, April 4, 2019

Alexandria Obviously-Comatose tweets like there's no tomorrow

The 29-year-old ex-bartender turned overachiever, Alexandria Obviously-Comatose (Socialist-NY) tweeted Wednesday suggesting her followers in the House won't take no for an answer in going after President Trump's tax returns.

The rather obnoxious congresswoman tweeted a mock conversation between Congress and Trump:
"Congress: 'We’re going to need a copy of the President’s tax returns from 2013-2018.' 
"45: 'No, I’m ‘under audit.' 
"Congress: 'We didn’t ask you.' "
Very cerebral stuff, much like Obviously-Comatose's Green New Deal which has caused the left to march in lockstep with her socialist plans to Make America Venezuela Again with her as "The Boss."

Obviously-Comatose's tweet referred to the House Ways and Means Committee’s request to the IRS for six years of the president's tax records.

After Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on his Russia investigation found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, some Democrats refuse to accept Hillary Clinton's loss to the TV personality and continue to look for anything impeachable. They now want to weaponize the IRS and any branch of government that might possibly find something untoward in Trump's background [as if we don't already know who Trump is.]

During the election, Trump broke tradition of presidential candidates releasing their tax returns, saying his were under audit. He has continued to dodge the issue as president, but there is no law stating that presidents must release their tax returns.

The president rightfully claimed that longtime Democrats had become "petrified of her."

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