Thursday, January 10, 2019

Substitute teacher allegedly buffin' the muffin with students in classroom

A substitute teacher in Ohio was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of masturbating in a classroom where students were present, according to reports.

Students at Creekside Middle School in Fairfield reported “suspicious behavior” by Tracey Abraham taking place behind his desk to school officials, the Fairfield City School District said in a statement.

The school resource officer removed Abraham, 41, from the campus. He was arrested later the same day and now faces a public indecency charge, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported. For some reason, he will not be returning to Fairfield city schools.

“At this time, the school district is not aware of the substitute teacher having physical contact with any of our students,” the district statement read. “In addition, we are not aware of any students being exposed to any nudity."

In other words, the kids didn't get to see Abraham's bishop, if you know what I mean.

Abraham was not a district employee. The district gets its substitutes from the nearby Butler County Educational Service Center. Abraham’s father, Rick, told the Enquirer that "I don't think what they saw is what really was happening," in reference to the allegations against his son. Obviously, his dad may be somewhat prejudice.

A court on Tuesday ordered Abraham to stay away from locations where children under 18 are present. His next court date is scheduled for Jan. 15.

It's a new year and the world still hasn't come to an end with President Trump in the White House, in spite of what the media and the left [but I repeat myself] would have you believe.

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