Sunday, January 6, 2019

Steve Scalise ends Twitter debate with AOC after her 'radical followers' allude to Va. shooting

U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) abruptly ended a Twitter debate early Sunday that he was having with Alexandria [Occasionally Coherent] Ocasio-Cortez after her "radical followers" alluded to the Virginia shooting of June 2017 in which Scalise and three other people were shot by a left-wing radical.

The debate was about taxes and it's probably a good thing it ended before too long because one can actually lose IQ points listening to AOC talk about anything having to do with economics.

One cretin leftist tweeted: "snipe his a**" in support of Ocasio-Cortez, but the twit later denied the post called for violence, writing "not seeing any violence there sorry" and telling Fox News it referred to a verbal "sniping."

Obviously, the coward was afraid to stand behind his or her words.

Another scumwafer wrote: "she's got better aim than James Hodgkinson, that's for sure." That was a comparison to Occasionally Coherent's Twitter response to the marksmanship of the shooter in the Virginia attack. It turned out the shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter. 

If the shooter was a Trump supporter the left would have blamed the president for his violence, but since better heads prevail on the right, nobody blamed Sanders.

A third sadistic POS wrote: "Kick his cane."

This is the left, the make-believe compassionate folks who constantly virtue signal to the world how much better they are than conservatives.

Prior to the disgusting tweets by those twits, Scalise and Ocasio-Cortez were debating the Democrat’s proposal for enacting a tax rate of up to 70 percent on income. Scalise had called for letting Americans “keep more of their own hard-earned money.” What a novel idea.

He claimed that Democrats like Ocasio-Cortez instead wanted to tax Americans’ income at higher rates in order to “give it to leftist fantasy programs.”

But after the Twitter followers’ comments appeared, Scalise opted to end the online discussion.

“Hi @AOC,” Scalise wrote to Ocasio-Cortez. “Happy to continue this debate on the Floor of the People’s House, but it’s clearly not productive to engage here with some of your radical followers. #StayClassy”

Scalise’s tweet appeared about 1 a.m. ET Sunday, or about two hours after Ocasio-Cortez’s late Saturday tweet, in which the newly sworn-in congresswoman claimed that Scalise didn’t understand “how marginal tax rates work.” 

That's like a retarded person calling the House Republican whip "stupid." Obviously AOC doesn't understand economics nor how socialism is immoral because it effectively steals a person's earnings and gives it to people who did nothing to earn it.

“Oh that’s right, almost forgot,” the Democratic socialist wrote. “GOP works for the corporate CEOs showering themselves multi-million bonuses; not the actual working people whose wages + healthcare they’re ripping off for profit.”

If Ocasio-Cortez had seen Scalise’s 1 a.m. tweet, she offered no immediate response early Sunday, but she probably did and needed to get in the last word to sound as if she won the debate.

Scalise, the 53-year-old congressman from New Orleans, who represents Louisiana’s 1st Congressional District, spoke of the “little miracles” he was achieving daily during his recovery from the shooting.

Also wounded in the Virginia attack were Zack Barth, a congressional aide; Matt Mika, a lobbyist; and Crystal Griner, a U.S. Capitol police officer.

Scalise would later write about the shooting in the book, “Back in the Game: One Gunman, Countless Heroes, and the Fight for My Life,” which was published in November.

Alexandria Occasionally Coherent hasn't written a book but the world eagerly awaits one.

Well here we are in the beginning of a new year and the world still hasn't come to an end with President Trump in the White House, in spite of what the media and the left [but I repeat myself] would have you believe.

I hope that you will follow Brain Flushings throughout the year and feel free to comment on any issues of concern. Please subscribe and check out the sponsors on these pages too.

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