Sunday, January 6, 2019

Nevada death-row inmate found dead after execution called off

Scott Raymond Dozier was sentenced to death in 2007 for committing drug-related murders in Las Vegas and Phoenix. Dozier, 48, had tried to kill himself several times before after two scheduled executions by lethal injections were postponed. He was found hanging from a bedsheet on Saturday, officials said.

Dozier [aka "you crazy motherf***er"] was found swinging back and forth in his cell and was unresponsive. He was housed in alone at the state's maximum-security prison in Ely. He was pronounced dead at 4:35 p.m. after medical staff attempted to revive him, FOX5 Las Vegas reported.

The poor guy, whose execution was delayed twice, had previously said the fight over his fate was taking a toll on him and his family and the state should "just get it done."  How sad for him.

“They should stop punishing me and my family for their inability to carry out the execution,” Dozier said in an interview last August,  with the AP. The interview came a month after a judge stopped his execution at nearly the final hour.

Dozier’s first scheduled execution by lethal injection had been postponed in November 2017 over concerns the untried drug regimen could leave him suffocating, conscious and unable to move. They were concerned that it might have even killed him.

Trapped in a legal limbo, Dozier’s fate was put on hold as court fights ensued over a three-drug combination that had never been used in the U.S.: the sedative midazolam, the powerful opioid fentanyl and a muscle-paralyzing agent called cisatracurium. Pharmaceutical companies also objected to their medicines being used in capital punishment and called instead for a bullet to the head or a simple beheading, hanging or allowing the inmate to be bored to death.

"I've been very clear about my desire to be executed ... even if suffering is inevitable," Dozier said in a handwritten note to a state court judge who postponed his execution in November 2017.

Dozier had repeatedly made it clear that he would rather die than spend the rest of his life in prison and during the delays in his execution had even attempted to take his own life at which, like life itself, he failed at.

A federal lawsuit revealed last December that he had tried several methods to kill himself in recent months, including a bid to obtain drops of a deadly drug on a piece of paper sent through prison mail.

Lawyers for the death-row inmate also revealed that he apparently cut his neck and wrist with a razor in October. Prison officials said they intercepted mail from Dozier’s sister which detailed how to cut the jugular vein in his neck.

FACT: When being attacked by clowns, go for the juggler.

While Dozier was placed in isolation to prevent self-harm, his lawyers argued in the suit that it only made his condition deteriorate because of unconstitutional treatment. They said he was denied prison yard recreation time and the ability to read, communicate with his family or effectively consult with legal counsel.

Dozier wasn’t on suicide watch Saturday, Department of Corrections spokeswoman Brooke Santina said. It wasn’t immediately known when Dozier had last been seen by guards.

The department’s inspector general and White Pine County sheriff's office are investigating the death.

"It isn't fair that he killed himself. It simply wrong. We wanted to do it the right way," an anonymous source told Brain Flushings' "Man in the Street," Vinny Boombots.

Well here we are in the beginning of a new year and the world still hasn't come to an end with President Trump in the White House, in spite of what the media and the left [but I repeat myself] would have you believe.

I hope that you will follow Brain Flushings throughout the year and feel free to comment on any issues of concern. Please subscribe and check out the sponsors on these pages too.

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Oh those early days of Trump, Hemingway style

Trump protects Secret Service personnel in Butler, PA In those early days, the White House held a silence heavy with lessons yet unlearned. ...