Friday, December 21, 2018

Planned Parenthood & others discriminate against pregnant workers

The one thing you've got to admit about liberals is that they are consistently hypocritical. Take for example Planned Parenthood.

The one organization that's supposed to advocate and champion women as they fight against discrimination, are discriminating against pregnant women. Perhaps they're upset at pregnant women for refusing to kill their unborn baby; who knows?

But, according to a report from The New York Times this is what they are doing and so are other "feminist" organizations.

PP and others are accused of violating state and/or federal laws against discriminating against pregnant women in the workplace. Managers, according to the report, allegedly consider pregnancy while hiring and organizations deny doctor-recommended breaks for pregnant women. Ironically, PP recommends breaks on the job for pregnant women, but just don't expect one yourself if you work for them.

“In other cases, the bias was more subtle. Many women said they were afraid to announce a pregnancy at work, sensing they would be seen as abandoning their colleagues,” The Times reported. “Some of those employers saw accommodating expecting mothers as expensive and inconvenient. Others were unsympathetic to workers seeking special treatment.”

Ta’Lisa Hairston, a Planned Parenthood medical assistant, informed her HR department that she required frequent breaks while she was pregnant to manage her high blood pressure. Despite multiple notes from her own nurse, Hairston said her managers would not allow her the necessary breaks or even a lunch break.
Ta'Lisa Hairston

“I had to hold back tears talking to pregnant women, telling them to take care of their pregnancies when I couldn’t take care of mine,” she sad. “It made me jealous.”

It could have made you worse than jealous--it could have stroked you out.

Other current and former Planned Parenthood employees told The Times they were fired after giving birth. And if you can't believe that rag, who can you believe?

The newspaper reported that despite Planned Parenthood positioning itself as a center for pregnancy (though it is the country's largest abortion provider and still funded by the Trump administration), most locations do not provide maternity leave for their employees. Some allow women to take partially paid disability leave in its place.

“I believe we must do better than we are now,” Leana Wen, the president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, told The Times to get them off her back. “It’s our obligation to do better, for our staff, for their families and for our patients.”

She added that the organization is investigating claims of discrimination and reviewing the cost of providing paid maternity leave to its 12,000 employees across the country.

Melissa Blain Johnson and Judit Rigo, two former employees of genetic testing seller Natera, said they were demoted after they went on maternity leave. Johnson is now suing. Natera said Johnson’s employment “was not influenced inappropriately by her pregnancy or subsequent maternity leave” and neither was Rigo’s.

Rigo told the newspaper that she trained a junior employee to fill in for her while on maternity leave and later was told weeks after she gave birth that she would henceforth be reporting to that employee.

Caroline Ruiz, a marketing executive at cosmetics brand Avon, a supposedly feminist-supporting company, said she was fired four days after she announced she was pregnant. Two other employees at the company have sued, claiming they were forced to handle toxic chemicals during their pregnancies. Avon denied all these claims to The Times.

Female lawyers at Mehri & Skalet, a progressive law firm ironically suing Walmart for alleged pregnancy discrimination, claim the firm’s founding partner discriminated against them for their pregnancies.

There's at least a tad of hypocrisy in every progressive, but usually a lot more than a tad--it's more like a boat-load.

Hello fellow conservatives. At this time of year when everyone has a hand out for a hand-out, I don't. I simply want you to follow Brain Flushings and check out the ads on this page. It's free, I'm free and you're free to follow me or not. I hope you do. 

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

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