Friday, December 14, 2018

Ohio ready to protect sanctity of life: now a RINO must act

In a wonderful move to protect the sanctity of human life, the Ohio State Senate passed the "Heartbeat Bill" Wednesday.

This bill would ban abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which can be as early as five weeks. The bill went back and forth after the Senate amended it, but now it's ready for Gov. John "Most Punchable Face In Washington" Kasich to sign it. 

Due to the fact that Kasich is only a pretend conservative, he will likely veto it. But now that he has hinted at wanting a run at the presidency in 2020, he just might try to win the hearts and minds of conservatives and sign it. Just don't make the mistake of believing that he has anything more than his own ambitions in mind no matter what he decides to do.

Ohio pro-life advocacy groups are hopeful (if Kasich refuses to allow babies in the womb the right to life) the legislature will have time and be willing to convene for a veto override because of the magnitude of this bill’s importance.

If the veto happens and rules to pass the bill, Kasich will look like a loser to both parties, but the GOP in particular.

Ohio's action is one of the staunchest pro-life legal measures in the country as it would require an abdominal ultrasound to detect a heartbeat, and if detected, killing the baby would be illegal.

Aliens might be looking down on our planet wondering why did we ever killed our babies in the first place. 

6 weeks
Pro-life advocacy and conservative policy groups, including the James Dobson Family Institute and Live Action, are encouraged by the passage of this solid measure to protect life and support the legislation. This comes as a welcome opportunity for Ohio to lead other states in reclaiming their constitutional authority to determine law on sanctity of life issues.

But perhaps most compellingly argument for this bill comes from Josh Craddock who writes, governments are obligated to preserve and protect the right to life at all stages of development as a substantive moral and legitimate legal authority issue:
“The structure of the argument is simple. The Fourteenth Amendment’s use of the word ‘person’ guarantees due process and equal protection to all members of the human species. The preborn are members of the human species from the moment of fertilization. Therefore, the Fourteenth Amendment protects the preborn. If one concedes the minor premise (that preborn humans are biological members of the human species), all that must be demonstrated is that the term ‘person,’ in its original public meaning at the time of the Fourteenth Amendment’s adoption, applied to all members of the human species.”
The Constitution recognizes the government’s obligation to protect the rights of the individual, and the Founders understood the innate personhood of the unborn and all the rights and privileges that come with being human. 

The Founders undoubtedly intended to protect all the rights of the yet unborn and the future generations of Americans, with the right to life being the foundational and most basic and essential right.

Kasich is likely to wait until the last minute to veto the bill so that there isn't time enough to override it. He's just lucky his parents didn't do what he is willing to allow other parents to do. 

But maybe I'm wrong--I hope so.

Hello fellow conservatives. At this time of year when everyone has a hand out for a hand-out, I don't. I simply want you to follow Brain Flushings and check out the ads on this page. It's free, I'm free and you're free to follow me or not. I hope you do. 

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

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