Thursday, December 20, 2018

MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace: 'I'm cheered if military doesn't listen to Trump'

Far-left media network MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace said that she is "cheered" if the U.S. military does not obey U.S. President Donald Trump.

I believe that can be classified as sedition or perhaps treason. In any case, it's clearly anti-American and highly disloyal to the nation.

Wallace hosts "Deadline: White House" and is a flaming critic of the Trump administration. She made the comments during a segment about Trump's announcement of a troop withdrawal from Syria.

I agree that pulling our troops out of Syria is a huge mistake. I see that it will likely lead to horrible bloodshed and also be a serious danger to Israel. I totally disagree with Trump on this one, but to call for the military to disobey a direct order from the Commander in Chief is treasonous.

"Is he someone—is the Pentagon—you're basically describing a U.S. military that does not listen to the commander in chief. Is that what's going on?" Wallace asked.

"Well, no, I don't think that they don't listen to him. I think that they try to prepare for the unexpected," said Wallace's guest, Defense One executive editor Kevin Baron.

"The transgender ban," said Wallace. "He ordered a transgender ban—listen. To their credit, I'm cheered if you're telling me that the military doesn't listen to him, but I read a lot of quotes of a lot senior Pentagon officials who were alarmed by the news, who had the rug pulled—who were testified or communicated as recently as yesterday that our commitment was solid" [my emphasis].

I believe the transgender ban is a good idea. We don't need mentally ill people in the military--men who think they're women, and women who think they're men. Their suicide rate is astronomical compared to the population and the negative impact their presence would have to the morale of the troops is obvious. I am not unsympathetic to the plight of transgender people, but I would rather they seek help than mutilate their genitals.

"The president seems to have his foreign policy run through Moscow or Turkey or other countries. I mean, are they happy just ignoring him?" Wallace continued, without evidence to her wild claims.

The president announced earlier today that the U.S. would withdraw troops from Syria, where they have been engaged in a campaign against the Islamic State terrorist organization. The planned withdrawal has reportedly caused concern among State Department and Pentagon officials. According to the Wall Street Journal, the administration is split between those favoring continued military engagement in Syria and Trump's desire to withdraw.

During the segment, Baron explained that the president instructed the military to begin planning a withdrawal from Syria in the spring, despite military leaders' continued concerns about Islamic State [aka: ISIS] prompting Wallace's question about whether the Pentagon is listening to Trump.

If they aren't, they need to look for new work. Right or wrong, he's the president and Commander in Chief and unless he's deemed unfit to remain in office, his word is the law.

The real irony here is that Trump had said in the past that he would never tip his hand to the enemy. He would be unpredictable and said that Obama was wrong to announce any troop withdrawals. But Trump is doing exactly the same thing.

Hello fellow conservatives. At this time of year when everyone has a hand out for a hand-out, I don't. I simply want you to follow Brain Flushings and check out the ads on this page. It's free, I'm free and you're free to follow me or not. I hope you do. 

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

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