Saturday, December 8, 2018

McCain & Huntsman school "View" cohost re: the church and Nativity Scene politicization

Christmas is a religious holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. As the holiday [the word comes from the words "holy day"] approaches, one Catholic church couldn't leave the holiday holy and had to make it political because every leftist in the U.S. needs to have something to either complain about or pontificate over. [Guess where the term "Pontiff" comes from.]

Saint Susanna's Parish in Dedham, Mass. used the Baby Christ's Nativity Scene to attack President Trump's child immigrant detention centers and to emphasize immigration issues currently going on at the southern border

The nativity scene depicts baby Jesus caged, and the three wise men are also enclosed, and the display has since stirred up controversy leading to the ladies of the “The View” weighing in as they put their brains together to find a way to pontificate.

“The View” co-host Abby Huntsman began the segment by saying she’s not a fan of safe places but asked if there could be one for Jesus, in reference to the fact that He was seen in a cage.

“This, to me, feels very wrong. I think there should be a place where you can see a nativity scene and go to your church, and there’s a place we can talk politics,” she said, adding that “Jesus didn’t do anything wrong.”

Co-host and definitely the show's braintrust, Sunny Hostin, said she believes the Catholic Church doesn’t do enough when discussing current issues. So, although the display “shook [her] up,” she offered, “Maybe this is the right thing to do”:

“I want guidance, in terms of faith and what’s going on in our world today because it’s so divisive, and I want the guidance from the Church.”

Huntsman then pointed out, “Don’t we have separation of church and state for a reason though?”

She might have added a question like: "What about having a Nativity Scene in front of a public school and a library? What about a court house? Are you okay with that too?"

Co-host Meghan McCain also jumped in to defend her belief in the separation of church and state:

“We cherry pick what we want when we want it. Do you want separation of church and state? Do you want separation of religion and politics? Or do you want it all to be one thing?”

Co-host Ana Navarro countered that if there is a separation of church and state, then she thinks there should be a separation between church and religious freedom, LGBTQ rights, and abortion.

At the end of the segment, the unremarkable and perpetually angry co-host Joy Behar said, “If the Church is going to interfere with politics, they’re going to have to pay taxes."

This isn’t the first time the Massachusetts church has used current issues going on in the U.S. in their displays.

Last year, the church had signs above their nativity scene with town names in which mass shootings occurred that year, along with the number of people who lost their lives in each. The pastor said he doesn’t plan to take down the display, despite some criticism.

The pastor appears to be a virtue-signaling narcissist.

Hello fellow conservatives. At this time of year when everyone has a hand out for a hand out, I don't. I simply want you to follow Brain Flushings and check out the ads. It's free, I'm free and you're free to follow or not. I hope you do. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.

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