Wednesday, December 12, 2018

'Dancing Hands' Pelosi mocks Trump's manhood

President Trump had a fairly heated meeting on Tuesday with House Democratic Leader Nancy "Dancing Hands" Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck "Mega-nostrils" Schumer in the Oval Office, where "real men" like Bill Clinton have sex with interns.

After the meeting, Pelosi threw a tantrum and mocked Trump using language that sounded like a child who needs a 'time out.'

According to The Hill, sources said Pelosi shouted, “It was so wild. It goes to show you: You get into a tinkle contest with a skunk, you get tinkle all over you.”

But tinkling wasn't enough for Pelosi, so she tried to emasculate POTUS about the funding for the wall along the southern border. She snapped, "It's a manhood thing for him. As if manhood could ever be associated with him. This wall thing."

Then Pelosi boasted as she gesticulated as her dentures almost flew from her mouth, “But the fact is we did get him to say, to fully own that the shutdown was his . . . that was an accomplishment."

The current situation is that Democrats are willing to allow $1.6 billion for border security in the funding bill, while Trump is asking for $5 billion, coffee money in terms of federal spending. Unless they soon agree on something, the government will shut down on Dec. 21 and Christmas will still arrive in spite of that.

Trump pulled no punches as he challenged the Democrats, "If we don't get what we want, I will shut down the government . . . I am proud to shut down the government for border security. I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. And I’m gonna shut it down for border security.”

Schumer sat on a sofa but he looked like an old man sitting on a toilet.

This wasn't the first time Pelosi has lost control of her temper. Last year in June she reminisced about former President George W. Bush. Although she often fought with him, she waxed nostalgic, "I wish he were president now. I wish Mitt Romney were president. I wish John McCain were president. As far as the Republicans, the people who voted for him it's almost like, 'any mammal will do.' They were just wrong."

No, Nancy. As far as many people, Republicans as well as independent voters who voted for Trump, any mammal was better than Hillary Clinton. She was the world's worst campaigner. Someone, I can't recall who, said that even a stuffed animal who campaigned in Pennsylvania could have beaten her.

As far as Pelosi is concerned, her assessment of the 9/11 terrorist attacks was that it was merely an "incident":
"We have a responsibility to protect our borders. All of our borders. Let’s make no mistake about that. Democrats have been strong on that point. All of our borders. In fact, I said to some of you before, when we had the 9/11 incident and the commission was formed — and they made their recommendations — they made recommendations to protect America, but the Republicans would never take them up. And some of it was about our borders. The Republicans would never take them up."
Pelosi reportedly told colleagues in private that President Trump insisted during an Oval Office meeting that Mexico will pay for the wall “one way or another.”

She told Trump that Mexico isn’t going to pay for it and he responded saying emphatically that Mexico would pay with money the U.S. will make from the revised North American Free Trade Deal, known as USMCA.

Pelosi told him “that’s terrible” and threatened to “go out and tell people that you think that Mexico is paying for it with money that should be going into our economy.”

Remember, the money that Trump wants for the wall, the $5 billion, is a drop in the proverbial bucket in terms of the federal spending budget. The real truth is that the Democrats do not want Trump to have a victory and don't really care about border security. They want open borders and they've basically said so.

Hello fellow conservatives. At this time of year when everyone has a hand out for a hand out, I don't. I simply want you to follow Brain Flushings and check out the ads on this page. It's free, I'm free and you're free to follow me or not. I hope you do. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.

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