Sunday, December 9, 2018

Chuck Todd calls Trump voters willfully ignorant: 'Maybe they want to be gullible'

High level liberal "journalists" got together this week to dis and discuss why President Trump is in the White House. They came to the predictable conclusion: "Gullible" voters and "unfair" coverage toward Hillary Clinton are to blame.

Unfair coverage of Hillary Clinton. Try not to LOL when you read those words.

The only thing unfair about Clinton's coverage is that the mainstream media left out the good stuff and those on the right didn't.

The Recode Decode podcast featured NBC’s Chuck Todd, Andrea Mitchell, and Hallie Jackson talking about the state of American politics. They told host Kara Swisher that Trump's campaign tricked the former secretary of state into responding to non-issues while stupid voters took care of the rest on Election Day.

They are partially correct. Yes, Trump trolled Hillary into stupid responses, just like he trolled Elizabeth Warren into taking the DNA test to prove she's a Native American, which turned out to show that she's white than Colgate toothpaste.

“I knew the gaslighting was out there,” Mr. Todd told the panel Dec. 5 in reference to the president's psychological prowess. “I knew it was every day. But I think there was part of me in my head assumed people were discerning it out, knew the BS from the non-BS. So, I think what my sort of shock to the system was just sort of how gullible a big chunk of the country was to this and gullible because maybe they want to be gullible.”

Yes, many of us knew the BS from the truth, but even with the BS, Trump was still a better choice than Hillary Clinton and she proved to be the worst candidate in the history of the country. And although many of us didn't see Trump as our first choice for the GOP, once he was nominated, the choice was easy.

But isn't it delicious how even Chuck Todd and his lefty friends still can't reconcile the truth that Trump won and Hillary lost?

Andrea Mitchell was astounded how millions of people get their news from less well-known pundits across social media than from obviously biased leftists like herself and the gang.

“There was this whole subterranean social media campaign that we never saw,” she said, the media watchdog NewsBusters reported Friday.

It wasn't a campaign as such, Andrea, it is what is colloquially known as fair and balanced news.

The podcast ended with the so-called reporters drinking wine made from all the sour grapes they brought along.

Hello fellow conservatives. At this time of year when everyone has a hand out for a hand out, I don't. I simply want you to follow Brain Flushings and check out the ads on this page. It's free, I'm free and you're free to follow me or not. I hope you do. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.

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