Sunday, December 23, 2018

40 years in prison for jihadi planner of next 911

The "S" stands for Schmuck
Photo: Global News
Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy, the 20-year-old jihadi who admitted to planning the next 9-11 was sentenced to 40 years in prison for planning multiple attacks in New York City.

The young Muslim jihadi "planned to detonate bombs in Times Square and the New York City subway system, and to shoot civilians at concert venues," U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said. "El Bahnasawy aspired, in his words, to 'create the next 9/11'."

El Bahnasawy is a Canadian citizen due to the incredibly liberal immigration laws Prime Minister Justin Trudeau [aka: Latke, from "Taxi"] has allowed. He was arrested in May 2016 on his way from Canada to New York where he was plotting with Talha Haroon, a 20-year-old U.S. citizen arrested in Pakistan, and Russell Salic, a 38-year-old orthopedic surgeon and citizen of the Philippines, who was arrested in the Philippines, and thus proving to all libtards that jihadism has nothing to do with economic status or education--it's all about extremist Islam.

The plans included a huge attack on Times Square, where the men planned to trap people inside the area called Crossroads of the World “and kill as many people as possible.” Nothing personal, just religion.

A shooting attack was also planned for New York’s crowded subway lines. The attackers planned to wear suicide vests and blow themselves up before being apprehended or killed. [At that point they were to ascend to paradise and be rewarded with 72 brown-eyed virgins and rivers of wine.]

They also researched upcoming concerts in the city and talked about choosing “a concert hall that (is) far away from cops.” In other words, 'gun-free zones.'

Another plan was to attack a Jewish neighborhood because that's how the religion of peace rolls when it comes to anti-Semitism.

Possible dates mentioned for the attacks were during the month of Ramadan or on Memorial Day 2016.

El Bahnasawy purchased bomb-making materials and rented a cabin he intended to use to build the explosive devices. Haroon, after meeting bomb experts in Pakistan, planned to travel to New York to help. Salic, the rich doctor, was charged with funding the operation by wiring money from the Philippines.

The men spoke with each other through chat apps, possibly, and quite ironically, invented by an Israeli. El Bahnasawy was caught when he communicated with an undercover agent posing as an ISIS sympathizer. LOL.

Haroon allegedly texted the same agent, “NY Needs to fall. This is a must.” He also said he wanted to “cause great destruction to the filthy (disbelievers) by our hands.” Ironically again, most disbelievers don't smell as badly as these guys do.

According to those familiar with the case, the arrests weren't the result of a sting operation; instead, FBI and NYPD investigators were aware of El Bahnasawy  early on in the planning stages.

In one message, El Bahnasawy wrote, “(W)e seriously need a car bomb at Times Square…Look at these crowds of people!” In another communication, he said he wanted to “shoot up concerts cuz they kill a lot of people…(W)e just walk in with guns in our hands…That’s how the Paris guys did it.”

Haroon spoke of the subway as a “perfect” target and spoke of killing as many people as possible on a “very busy day,” not stopping even if there were “women or kids.” After shooting as many people as possible on the subway, Haroon added that if they “get trapped” or “when we run out of bullets we let the vests go off.”

Definitely not nice guys, but a religious ones.

Notice how doctor Salic took the least physical risk. Just like an imam who sends others to do his dirty work [or 'wet work'] they aren't willing to die just yet, but they convince others of what a wonderful thing it is to die in the way of Allah.

This one, like others we don't hear about, had a happy ending.

Hello fellow conservatives. At this time of year when everyone has a hand out for a hand-out, I don't. I simply want you to follow Brain Flushings and check out the ads on this page. It's free, I'm free and you're free to follow me or not. I hope you do. 

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

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