Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Why Louis Farrakhan sucks

Full-blown anti-Semite and white folks hater Louis Farrakhan continues to suck and say things that would get people banned from Twitter for life, but not him.

Nation of Islam head Farrakhan addressed a group of like-minded anti-Semites, anti-white folks in Detroit on Sunday to mark the 23rd anniversary of the Million Man March, which consisted of a few thousand marchers.

Farrakhan used the occasion to spew his bile out on another anti-Semitic rant, referring to the Jews as "termites."

"To the members of the Jewish community that don't like me, thank you very much for putting my name all over the planet," he began, showing just how narcissistic he is. "I'm not mad at you, 'cause you're so stupid," the hate monger said.

Then he went on to spout more racist, anti-Semitic garbage, which I will not take the time to quote. The guy's a moron and the people who like him are cretins without an individual thought in their head.

Except for one of his pals, Barack Obama. He and Louie are best buddies.

New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) urged his fellow liberals to condemn Farrakhan's statements about the Jews, but said nothing about Keith Ellison (D-MN) or any of the other Democrats associated with this piece of human garbage.

It seems Hikind belongs to the wrong political party. The party that quietly supports, or sits back and does nothing about, Louis Farrakhan.

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