Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Everything in the world is Trump's fault, they say

"Trump did this to me"
Everything wrong in the world today is nobody's fault but President Donald Trump's. It's really so ridiculous that perhaps independent voters will begin to realize how silly the left has become with their blind hatred for the president.

Now singer Barbra Streisand, a woman who went to Erasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn and never changed her gym shorts [according to my late sister who was in her class], told The New York Times Monday that Trump's presidency is making her fat--not that she is responsible for her own gluttony.

The corpulent Grammy Award winner has been a politically active Democrat. She supported the two-time loser Hillary Clinton for president and along with the sore loser Clinton, said the election was rigged. "I really believe she won the election," Streisand told Variety in February. "I've talked to senators from Michigan and Wisconsin. I do believe, like I believed during Bush, they were playing with those voting machines."

Streisand has absolutely no evidence to support her claim, but her feelings, nothing more than feelings, is how she makes he mindless decisions.

Streisand, who supposedly retired several times in the past, has a new album. It's the first bunch of songs that uses her political opinions to hopefully indoctrinate low-information voters to vote based on her feelings. "I would lie awake at night with Trump's outrages running through my head, and I had to do another album for Columbia Records, so I thought, why not make an album about what's on my mind?" she told the Times.

I can think of a lot of reasons why not, but it would not have mattered. Streisand believes she's smarter than the people who buy her music, and perhaps she is.

"I want to sleep nights," Babs continued, "if we take the House I'll be able to sleep a little better."

"And if [Democrats[ don't?" Times reporter Maggie Haberman asked.

"Don't know," Streisand said. "I've been thinking about, do I want to move to Canada [yeah, like that lie hasn't been told countless times by the left]? I don't know. I'm just so saddened by this thing happening to our country. It's making me fat. I hear what he said now, and I have to go eat pancakes now, and pancakes are very fattening. We make them with healthy flour, though--almond flour, coconut flour."
"It's all Trump's fault I look like this"

[They're delicious and I just eat and eat and eat. And the good thing is, I can blame Donald Trump for my enormous weight gain, she failed to admit.]

"Look what you made me do, Trump! I hate you. I hate you . . . mmmmmunch."

Perhaps if Streisand took responsibility for her own behavior, she would be better able to deal with it. They call that kind of thinking 'being an adult.'

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