Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Top Dems attend private dinner with Iran's president and famous anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan

This is a story that needs to make the rounds because the mainstream media isn't talking about it. If you would, please retweet this on Twitter if you believe it's relevant to do so.

A private dinner meeting was held between three Democratic congressmen along with the leader of the world's largest funder of terrorism, President Hassan Rouhani of Iran. Also in attendance was Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

The media didn't want you to know about this meeting, so let's begin.

The meeting took place in 2013 and was attended by Reps. Keith Ellison [who was recently accused by his former partner of verbal and physical abuse], Andre Carson of Indiana and Gregory Meeks of New York. The meeting was covered by the Nation of Islam's Final Call but it wasn't until February that The Wall Street Journal slammed the media over their silence.

But lest we forget, Ellison had written an Op-Ed for The Washington Post in Dec. 2016 saying that when it came to Farrakhan and others like him, he "disavowed them long ago, condemned their views and apologized."

Ellison was responding to critics who pointed out that he took part in the Million Man March in 1995, which was organized by Louis Farrakhan.

The Washington Post fact-checked the Wall Street Journal report and explore just how buddy-buddy Ellison was to anti-Semitic Farrakhan.

It said Ellison never said he wasn't at the dinner, but he claimed he didn't know in advance who would be attending and that he went only to push for a peaceful resolution of the nuclear standoff with Iran. The Post also said a YouTube video found by The Daily Caller shows the congressman and Farrakhan together and that the video was taken between 2010 and 2013.

The Post also reported that Farrakhan admitted that Ellison and Carson met with him in 2016, long after he lied about disavowing them and condemning their views.

"Both of them, when I was in Washington, visited my suite and we sat down talking like you and I are talking," Farrakhan said. "But evidently, the enemy has made me the litmus test for all black people who want to rise in their world."

No Louie, decent people see you as the piece of garbage you are and assume those who hang out with you and sing your praises [in private, mostly] are also as disgusting as you.

So, Ellison was lying then and he's still a liar now. The Post gave Ellison 4 Pinocchios for lying about the events.

But at least Ellison can take comfort in the double standard the Democratic Party has--they are being very quiet about the allegations against their star thug.

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