Boombots: Thank you for taking this interview Mrs. Clinton. Personally, I was surprised you'd have the guts to speak to anyone outside the lame-stream media, but here you are, and there's your pantsuit.
HRC: Well I always believe all sides should be heard, even deplorable Trump supporters as long as they don't make abhorrent white supremacist statements.
Boombots: Speaking about all sides, what about the Kavanaugh situation? Do you support the idea that a person is innocent until proven guilty?
HRC: It depends on who we're talking about. As you know, Republicans aren't the best truth-tellers, so you sometimes need to consider the source. I can tell by the way Doctor Ford expressed herself in that letter--she's telling the truth and Kavanaugh is a liar.
Boombots: I wasn't aware Juanita Broaddrick was a Republican. Oh wait, I don't believe she was when your husband met her--in fact, she wanted to volunteer for his campaign for governor when he was Arkansas Attorney General so she must've been a Democrat. So you believe Doctor Ford.
HRD: Yes. Whenever a woman comes forward with her truth, you know you have to take her seriously.
Boombots: What about all those women who came forward about your husband? Were they telling the truth?
HRC: It was a political hit-job by a group of bimbos who wanted to destroy my husband's career and mine, in the long run.
Boombots: How do you know that what's happening to Judge Kavanaugh isn't a political hit-job?
"You're dead! Dead!" |
Boombots: Well have a nice day.
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